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UIUC AAUP Policy Committee Present: Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Richard Laugesen, Walter McMahon, John Prussing, Bruce Rosenstock, H. F. Williamson The meeting began at about 12:34 p.m. with Hilton presiding. (1) Review of the Minutes for February 14, 2019 Meeting of Policy Committee. The minutes were approved. (2) President’s Report. Hilton discussed his report briefly. He also reported on the morning meeting with two members of the Board of Trustees, Don Edwards and Jill Smart. (4) Review of schedule of meetings for spring semester. The typos in the agenda were corrected. The schedule for the rest of the spring is: (5) Preparation for Meeting with Chancellor Jones (7) Planning for the Spring Tenure Workshop (8) Preparation for Annual Meeting (9) Report from Nominating Committee. Williamson reported on the behalf of Chair Prussing that the nominations for 2019-2020 would be David O’Brien for President, Rick Laugesen for Vice President, and H. F. Williamson for Secretary-Treasurer. (10) Planning of Annual AAUP Meeting in Washington, D.C. There was discussion of the value for our chapter of attending the meeting. There was agreement that the past procedure of providing significant financial support for an attendee was probably not appropriate. Instead, the members of the Policy Committee would be asked if any would be interested in attending the meeting with some support from the Chapter. (11) Reports on the Activities of Shared Governance Committee. Hilton reported that the distribution had been held up until possible privacy issues had been handled. Rosenstock and McMahon led a discussion on what we are planning to do when we have the results. (12) Membership. Laugesen reported on his first visits as part of the membership campaign. There were no other reports so the meeting adjourned at about 1:35 p.m. As noted above, the next meeting will be on Thursday, April 11, 2019 in 217 Illini Union following the earlier meeting with Chancellor Jones.