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Summary Report for UIUC AAUP Policy Committee Meeting on March 18, 2015
Present: Kenneth Andersen, Connie Caveny, Michael Grossman, Harry Hilton, Lewis Hopkins, Walter McMahon, Cary Nelson, David O’Brien, Robert Parker, John Prussing, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson, Richard Laugesen (guest); Bruce Rosenstock (guest))
The meeting began at about 12:04 p.m.
President's Report
(1) Introduction. Hilton introduced Richard Laugesen and Bruce Rosenstock, Chapter members who were guests for the meeting. He discussed the request he received for Chapter leaders to meet with the campus leaders.
(2) Review of the Minutes for February 18, 2015 Meeting of Policy Committee. The minutes were approved.
(3) Schedule of Spring 2015 Policy Committee meetings. The remaining Policy Committee meetings as noted in the agenda will be April 15 (third Wednesdays) (spring vacation starts March 21); and May 6 (first Wednesday which is the last day of instruction. We will meet in 211 Illini Union. NOTE: The Annual Meeting will be May 12 (see item (XX) below).
(4) Remarks. Hilton discussed his meeting with the subcommittee from the national AAUP Committee A during the visit on campus regarding whether the UIUC would be censured as a result of the Salaita decision. Based on that meeting and the reports from others familiar with the visit, we expect the subcommittee to recommend censure to Committee A. Other issues that were considered were (a) how much the subcommittee report would differ from the December report by CAFT; (b) the actions of the Board of Trustees in making the Salaita decision; and (c) what will happen with regard to the recommendations of the December Hiring Policies and Procedures Review Committee Final Report
Action Items
(5) Review of Membership of Policy Committee. A number of Chapter members have indicated an interest in serving on the Policy Committee and are planning to attend Committee meetings as guests this spring. Williamson suggested that the officers meet after the Annual Meeting to consider the composition of the Policy Committee for the fall.
(6) Planning for the Spring Tenure Workshop: The workshop will be at 2:30 p.m. on April 30 in the Illini Union General Lounge (210). It will be important that all members of the Policy Committee help publicize the event in their departments and colleges. Parker emphasized the importance of making sure each attendee is given a membership form and that the role of the AAUP in organizing this event is stressed by the moderator. Prussing assured him that, as moderator, he would do this.
(7) Report from the Nominating Committee. Prussing, Chair of the Nominating Committee reported. The announcement of the committee’s composition had been sent to the Chapter members and suggestions were received. Prussing discussed how the Committee had reviewed these and how a final recommendation had been determined. Hilton was nominated to serve another term as President so that continuity would be maintained during the censure process. His experience during the previous censure case (the Koch case) was important. O’Brien and Williamson will also be nominated to continue as Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer, respectively. This information is to be sent to the Chapter members at least four weeks prior to the Annual Meeting so that additional individuals may be nominated as outlined in the Bylaws.
(8) Planning for the Annual Meeting. The proposed date for the annual meeting of May 12 was approved. It was agreed that the program would be a panel discussion of the censure issue including what actions it is expected must be taken to be removed from censure. Though a similar panel presentation is planned by the IPRH on April 23, it was felt that a second presentation would be valuable because it was from the AAUP perspective and it could complement the earlier event. Nelson led a discussion of what might be the key issues involved in getting off censure. They included the status of a settlement between Salaita and the University as well as whether they are changes in how the Board of Trustees acts and changes in the “climate” at the University, however that is defined.
(9) Government Relations. McMahon noted that another critical issue (and a possible alternative topic for the Annual Meeting) is the effect of the proposed cuts in the budget for Higher Education. He and Andersen were informally appointed as a subcommittee to consider a Chapter White Paper on this subject. McMahon noted that this is not limited to first round effect of the cuts (the effect on the campus) but on the broader, long term effects.
(10) Membership. Williamson reported briefly on the actions of the membership committee and the problems one has in getting information from the National Office on changes (new members, members not renewing). Our first effort will be to contact those who have not renewed their memberships to see if they will “come back.”