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Summary Report for UIUC AAUP Policy Committee Meeting on September 12, 2011
Present: Abbas Aminmansour, Kenneth Andersen, Geneva Belford, Linn Belford, Matt Finkin, Bettina Francis, John Prussing, Robert Spitze, Leslie Struble, H. F. Williamson.
The meeting began at about 12:07 p.m. with John Prussing presiding.
President's Report
(1) Review of the Minutes for May 2, 2011 Meeting of Policy Committee and August 29, 2011 Meeting of the Officers. The minutes for the May meeting of the Policy Committee were approved.
(2) Review of President’s Report for 2010-11. This will be sent to our Chapter members. Any suggestions for revision should be sent to Prussing.
(3) Review of Roster for Policy Committee. The members were asked to let Williamson know of any corrections that should be made.
(4) Review of fall schedule of meetings. The remaining schedule for the fall will be October 10; November 7; and December 5 (Reading Day is Dec. 8). The latter two are the first Monday of the month. They are all in 211 Illini Union.
(5) Other.
Action Items
(6) Composition of Policy Committee for 2011-2012. Prussing noted that a result of the discussion at the Officers’ Meeting was an invitation to the Policy Committee members to let him or Williamson know of anyone they feel might be a candidate. Such individuals will be invited to join us for a meeting of the Committee.
(7) Composition of Continuing Chapter Committees for 2011-2012. The current committees are (with current Chairs) (a) Government Relations (Andersen, McMahon); (b) Academic Freedom (Robinson, Struble); (c) Programs (Hilton, Liebersohn); (d) Membership (Caveny, Williamson); (e) Communications (Caveny) and (f) Campus Governance (Hopkins). Aminmansour will become a co-chair of the Government Relations Committee.
(8) Policy for Discontinuance of Academic Programs/Units. Prussing and Struble noted that the report had been distributed to President Hogan, Chancellor Easter, Provost Wheeler, and staff at the national AAUP office. Finkin reported that he is a member of a Subcommittee of Committee A that has been formed to address this issue. At his request, a copy of the report will be sent to Michael Berube, the Chair of the Subcommittee. Other issues discussed included (a) policies taken to broaden the scope of one unit to house individuals who were in a unit that is closed and (b) the importance of faculty involvement in the processes regarding any such changes.
(9) Discussion of the Status of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Case involving Wozniak. Finkin described the recent history of this case. Members of the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure (AFT) had been working with the administrators at the College, Campus, and University levels regarding their actions and their failure to invoke either (a) sanctions other than dismissal for cause (Statutes Article IX, Section 6) or (b) dismissal (Article X, Section 1e). The issue was “settled” when President Hogan invoked the latter (dismissal). Wozniak has been provided a list of the charges and is to reply by today (Sept. 12). As provided in the Statutes, the case will be heard by AFT of which Finkin is the Chair.
(10) Invitations to Campus Administrators to meet with Policy Committee. Individuals we are considering include Chancellor Wise; AIT Associate Vice President Michael Hites and/or Chief Privacy and Security Officer Michael Corn; and Charles Evans, Director of University Outreach and Public Service and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.
(11) Planned AAUP Activities for 2011-2012: Workshop on Governance. There has been a proposal to support a workshop on governance this year. Alternatives that were discussed are: (a) an all day workshop with a number of sessions and a keynote speaker such as Robert Easter; (b) a workshop coordinated with the Campus Faculty Association or with chapters at other campuses in Illinois (and support from the Conference); or (c) a noon-time presentation as part of a series at the University Y similar to a presentation a few years ago. There was also discussion of how we can better publicize our work in this area such as an article in Inside Illinois and improved contacts with reporters such as Paul Wood at the News Gazette.
(11) Discussion of Status of ACLGF (the Academy). Prussing reported on a discussion of this issue which occurred at the Senate General University Policy Committee (GUP). He and Finkin noted that they along with those most involved with the situation (e.g., Ulen, Burbules) feel that those involved with the Academy have failed to work toward a satisfactory conclusion. Finkin and Prussing were asked to draft a policy statement for the AAUP Chapter.
(12) Other Senate actions. There was a brief discussion of the Provisional Electronic Communications Policy to be presented to the Senate September 12 by the Senate Executive Committee (SEC). Given the issues raised in a letter from Nelson and Majeed, Finkin thought that the policy should first be reviewed by AFT. (NOTE: The item was withdrawn from the Senate agenda at the request of the Chair of the SEC.)
(13) Other. Prussing noted that he would be working with Nelson, Spitze and others with regard to meeting with leaders of the CFA.
(14) Government Relations. Andersen reported favorably on the presentations made at the weekend meeting of Illinois Connection. Aminmansour noted that the issue of faculty productivity is under discussion given the actions that have been taken in other states.
(15) National AAUP. Andersen reported briefly on the national meeting in June (he will circulate a written report as well). One new opportunity is to purchase a lifetime membership.