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Summary Report for UIUC AAUP Policy Committee Meeting on May 2, 2011
Present: Abbas Aminmansour, Ken Andersen, Geneva Belford, Linn Belford, Connie Caveny, Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Lewis Hopkins, Katherine Laing (guest), Walter McMahon, John Prussing, Arthur Robinson, Robert Spitze, Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson.
The meeting began at about 12:10 p.m. with Prussing presiding. (NOTE: Items are presented in order of agenda rather than the order presented.
President's Report
(1) Review of the Minutes for April 11 2011. These were approved.
(2) Remarks from the Chapter President. Prussing reported briefly on his recent conversations about the Wozniak case. He also noted that the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Adjuncts chaired by Hilton of which he was also a member would be submitting a report soon.
(3) Schedule of Meeting for Summer. It was agreed to hold a meeting in June and June 6 was chosen. This will give us a chance to consider the report being prepared by Struble along with Andersen and Aminmansour. Hilton will arrange for a site.
(4) Proposed Schedule of Meetings for Fall 2011. The following schedule was approved: (a) September 12, 2011: This is the second Monday (Labor Day is September 5; classes start on Monday, August 22); (b) October 10, 2011; (c) November 7, 2011. First Monday was chosen to better align with December meeting; (d) December 5, 2011. First Monday since (Reading Day is December 8 and second Monday is during exam week.
Action Items
(5) Meetings with Campus and University Administrators. It was agreed that the meeting with Director Laing had gone well. For the fall, we will be considering Charles Evans, Director of University Outreach and Public Service and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs as well as the new Chancellor and/or the new Provost.
(6) Preparations for Chapter’s Annual Meeting on May 10, 2011 in 209 Illini Union
(a) Agenda: The social hour will start at 3 p.m. and the program start at 3:30 p.m. Nelson and Andersen have agreed to be our speakers.
(b) Refreshments: Hilton will arrange light refreshments based on our estimates of attendance.
(7) Attendance at National Meeting: We formally approved Andersen as a delegate from the Chapter and approved a motion to provide up to $1100 of support for documented expenses to attend the meeting.
(8) Discussion of Actions by the Senate and the Senate Executive Committee. There was a discussion of the actions taken at the Senate meeting on April 25 and those on the agenda for the continuation of that meeting on May 2 particularly with regard to the Institute on Aviation.
(9) Membership Campaign and Role of AAUP on Campus. Andersen reported on the success of the card campaign by the AAUP and the AFT on the UIC campus. This led to a discussion of the relative roles of the AAUP and the CFA on our campus. Prussing was given the authority to arrange a meeting for members of the Policy Committee with members of the leadership of the CFA. On a related matter, Hilton proposed consideration of holding a workshop on governance in the fall to parallel our workshop on tenure and promotion in the spring. He will work on a proposal and suggested we see if CFA would also be interested in such a project.
(10) Report on Chapter Web Site. Caveny followed up on her report in March about the meeting that she and Uchtmann had with Grohe, the current webmaster. At the time, we approved a motion to cover the expenses of obtaining the necessary software (Dream Weaver) to enable them to take on some of the management of this site particularly with regard to the timely posting of new items. The purchase of this software will occur shortly.