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Summary Report for UIUC AAUP
Policy Committee Meeting on May 3, 2010
Present: Abbas Aminmansour, Kenneth Andersen, Geneva Belford, Linn Belford, Connie Caveny, Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Lewis Hopkins, Walter McMahon, John Prussing, Arthur Robinson, Robert Spitze, Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson.
The meeting began at about 12:23 p.m. after our meeting with Dean Dutta with John Prussing presiding.
President's Report
(1) Review of the Minutes for April 5, 2010. These were approved.
(2) Remarks from the Chapter President. Prussing noted that he felt the meeting with Dean Dutta had gone well. Suggestions for individuals to invite to meet with the group in the fall included interim President Ikenberry and the individual selected as the next President.
Action Items
(3) Review of Spring Tenure Workshop. We felt that the program went well though the attendance was lower than expected. It was suggested that we propose having the workshop earlier in the semester when we invite the relevant administrators to attend.
(4) Discussion of the Current Status of the Academy on Capitalism and Limited Government Foundation. President Ikenberry had called Prussing in response to the letter we sent on this issue and indicated that he was collecting more information on the matter. Leaders from the Senate (Tolliver, Burbules) met with Ikenberry and, at his suggestion, with individuals from the Foundation. They hoped to have the recommendations in the Ulen report implemented. So far, no progress has been made. Tolliver and Burbules plan to meet with Ikenberry again.
(5) Discussion of Preparation of Charge for AAUP Chapter Committee on Campus Governance. It was agreed that the first four paragraphs of the Proposal to establish the committee could be the basis for its charge. Hopkins and Williamson will work on a final draft.
(5) Preparations for Chapter’s Annual Meeting on May 11 in IUB General Lounge. A motion was approved proposed to start the social hour and meeting a half hour earlier. Williamson will inform the speakers and our members of the change.
(6) Attendance at National Meeting: Prussing may be the only member other than Nelson attending the meeting as a delegate. A motion was approved to provide up to $1100 of support for his documented expenses for attending the meeting. Francis will check her schedule to see if she can also attend as a delegate.
(7) Illinois Conference. Andersen reported on the on April 17 annual meeting. The conference is in good shape financially. He hopes that more individuals will be willing to write articles for the state Newsletter. Nelson’s address to the Conference covered a number of key topics including (a) the details and cost (about $50,000) of having to rerun the ASC elections; (b) the status of the proposed tripartite division of the AAUP; (c) the status of a change to progressive dues rates; and (d) the direction that future investigations might take reflecting in part the concern that it may not be a wise use of AAUP resources to investigate small institutions with problems that may not occur frequently elsewhere.
(8) Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee. Robinson and Struble noted that one case discussed earlier had been concluded. Struble, Francis, and another individual had looked into the general problem involved in this case. Struble indicated that they are considering preparing a report with recommendations for improvements in the procedures involved. A motion of appreciation to Struble and the others on the committee was approved.
(9) CFA Meeting. Hopkins reported on the CFA meeting he had attended.
(10) National Office: Aminmansour reported that he has been asked to be a member of an ad hoc AAUP committee investigating academic freedom issues at Louisiana State University.