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Summary Report for UIUC AAUP Policy Committee on May 5, 2009
211 Illini Union
Present: Abbas Aminmansour, Kenneth Andersen, Geneva Belford, Linn Belford, Connie Caveny, Bettina Francis, Lewis Hopkins, John Prussing, Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, and H. F. Williamson.
The meeting began at about 12:10 p.m. with Donald Uchtmann presiding.
President's Report
(1) Review of the Minutes and Summary Report for April 7, 2009. The corrected copy of the minutes handed out at this meeting and the summary report for the April meeting were approved.
(2) Inquiry. Uchtmann reported on a request he received from individuals at Truman State University regarding the UIUC policy on partner benefits and the role that the AAUP might have played in their determination. There was a brief discussion of how we felt the introduction of these benefits on our campus had occurred.
(3) Academic Freedom and Tenure Question. Struble led a discussion of an issue of concern to assistant professors regarding research grants they have obtained.
(4) Location of Policy Committee Meeting on June 8. We have reserved the University YMCA Boardroom (northeast corner, second floor) for this June 8 meeting. Since this year is the latest start for Summer Session II (June 15), the Thai Eatery won’t be open so those planning to have lunch during the meeting will need to bring their meal from another source.
Action Items
(5) Preparations for Chapter’s Annual Meeting on May 12 in IUB General Lounge
(a) Agenda. The agenda for the May 12, 2009 meeting including the minutes for the May 6, 2008 Annual Meeting were part of the packet.
(b) Refreshments. Hilton had assured the Committee that he has set up the refreshments as requested.
(6) Attendance at National Meeting: The Committee approved the certification of Kenneth Andersen, Cary Nelson, and John Prussing as delegates from the Chapter. We approved a motion to provide up $2000 for documented expenses for the Chapter’s delegates that are not reimbursed by the State Conference or the National office.”
(7) Senate Actions.
(a) Status of the Global Campus Initiative. A committee from the Senates of the three campuses chaired by Nick Burbules has prepared a report on “A Redesigned Global Campus.” They recommend that the current Global Campus be phased out during 2009 and the new program (temporarily labeled Global Campus 2.0) begin operations in 2010. The design of the new program is summarized in their report which is available on the Senate web site.
(b) Selection of New Provost. Chancellor Herman reported to the SEC that he hoped to announce shortly the name of the interim Provost and the Chair of the Search Committee for the new Provost.
(c) Senate Educational Policy Committee. Aminmansour reported that the Committee had considered 76 new proposals this year and handled them on average within 30 days.
(d) IT at UIUC. There was a brief discussion of the presentation at the April 27 Senate meeting on IT@Illinois by Provost Katehi and Sally Jackson, Chief Information Officer, UIUC.
(8) Report on Chapter Web Site. Caveny noted that the minutes for our meetings through December, 2008 were now on the website. She confirmed that there are links to the state and national websites.
(9) Illinois Conference Matters. Andersen reported on the meeting of the State Conference. There are three new chapters: College of DuPage, the Art Institute, and the Field Museum. Michael Harkins is the new Conference President. He reported on the visit by the National Secretary and suggested we might have him visit the UIUC campus. He presented motions concerning pensions and funding which were approved.
(10) Invitations to Campus Administrators to meet with Policy Committee in future. There was a brief discussion of whom we might invite in the fall. One possibility would be the interim Provost. A motion was made and approved to thank Provost Katehi for her accomplishments and to have Uchtmann write to her in this regard.