University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Academic Freedom for a Free Society
of University



American Association of University Professors

  1. NAME. The name of this organization shall be the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chapter of the American Association of University Professors.
  2. PURPOSE. To achieve on the UIUC campus the mission of the national AAUP: to advance academic freedom and tenure and shared governance; to define fundamental professional values and standards for higher education; and to ensure higher education’s contribution to the common good.
  3. MEMBERSHIP. All active, graduate student, and retired members of the national American Association of University Professors affiliated with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are eligible for membership in the chapter. Associate members of the national American Association of University Professors may attend meetings by invitation of the chapter and may serve as voting members of the Chapter’s committees.
  4. DUES: Annual Dues shall be determined by the Policy Committee.
  5. OFFICERS. The chapter shall elect from among its members at the annual meeting the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer. These individuals and the immediate Past President will form the Executive Committee of the Chapter. The duties of these officers shall begin on August 1 subsequent to election, and shall be those customarily associated with the office held. Vacancies occurring in any elective Chapter
    office prior to the expiration of the normal term shall be filled as follows.
    1. The office of Chapter President shall be filled by the Vice-President.
    2. The office of Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer shall be filled by a person selected by the Policy Committee. The membership will be informed of this decision.
    1. Policy Committee. The Policy Committee shall consist of the elective officers and those individuals selected by the elective officers with the approval of the existing members of the Policy Committee. Traditionally, the membership shall include the chairs of the Chapter’s committees and additional members chosen to represent various colleges and ranks. The same procedures shall be followed to replace members of the Policy Committee. The Policy Committee shall advise the elective officers regarding chapter policy and activities. The Policy Committee will establish the Chapter’s standing rules.
    2. Nominating Committee. The President with the approval of the Policy Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee in accordance with Section VII of the BY-LAWS and such other committees as will further the work of the Chapter.
    3. Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee. The President with the approval of the Policy Committee shall appoint an Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee. It shall consider any questions of academic freedom and tenure affecting the University of Illinois, and shall make recommendations to the chapter in light of the principles of academic freedom endorsed by the American Association of University Professors.
    4. Legislative Affairs Committee. The President with the approval of the Policy Committee shall appoint a Legislative Affairs Committee. It shall consider any legislative issues at the national, state, and local level that affect the academic community.
    5. Membership. The President with the approval of the Policy Committee shall appoint a Membership Committee. It shall act to maintain and increase the membership of the chapter.
    6. Programs. The President with the approval of the Policy Committee shall appoint a Programs Committee. It shall arrange for the meetings of the Chapter.
    7. Other. The President with the approval of the Policy Committee shall appoint other Committees as circumstances dictate.
  7. NOMINATING COMMITTEE. A nominating committee of at least two members shall be appointed by the President early in the spring semester and the membership informed of this decision. This committee shall nominate after obtaining their consent one or more members as candidates for each elective office. The membership shall be notified of these nominations at least four weeks prior to the annual meeting at which the election shall take place. Additional candidates may be nominated from the membership by petition signed by not less than 5 members and filed together with written acceptance from the nominee with the president, secretary or chairman of the nominating committee at least two weeks in advance of the meeting at which the election shall take place. The members shall be notified of additional nominations not less than one week in advance of the meeting at which the election shall take place. Additional nominations shall be requested from the floor. Such nominations require the consent of the nominees. Nominations shall be made only as provided herein. All nominees must be Chapter Members.
  8. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS. Funds shall be disbursed by the Treasurer for chapter activities duly authorized by the officers of the chapter.
    1. Annual Meeting: The Policy Committee shall arrange an annual meeting of the Chapter near the end of the spring semester.
    2. Special Meetings. The Policy Committee shall also arrange for additional meetings of the Chapter as desirable. In addition, special meetings may be called upon petition of at least 10 active members delivered to the Secretary or the President. Such a meeting is to occur within two weeks of receipt of the petition and the members to be notified at least one week prior to its occurrence.
    3. Meeting Notification. The members will be notified of each meeting at least one week prior to its occurrence. Notice of a special meeting shall include a list of the topics to be considered, and no other topics shall be considered at the meeting.
    4. Quorum. A quorum for any regular or special meeting shall consist of those members present and voting.
    1. Meetings of the Chapter, the Policy Committee, and all other Committees shall be authorized to meet through electronic communications so long as all the members can simultaneously hear each other and participate during the meeting. All such meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules adopted by the Policy Committee.
    2. All communication required in these Bylaws, including meeting notices, may be sent electronically.
  11. DISSOLUTION. In the event of dissolution of the Chapter and after indebtedness and outstanding accounts have been resolved, the remaining funds shall be transferred to the Illinois Conference of the American Association of University Professors or to the National American Association of University Professors.
  12. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY. The parliamentary authority shall be the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
  13. AMENDMENTS. Amendments to these BY-LAWS may be proposed by the Policy Committee or by not fewer than 15 members of the Chapter. Proposed amendments shall be presented at the next Chapter Meeting. Notice of the proposed amendments shall be given to the members at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Adoption shall by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting.

American Association of University Professors — UIUC Chapter

1001 S. Wright St.
Champaign, IL 61820

The University of Illinois AAUP chapter maintains this web site. Opinions expressed by individual contributors to the site represent their personal views and are not necessarily positions of the chapter or any other entity. Opinions expressed by the chapter do not necessarily represent the views of the national AAUP or any other entity.