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Alex Fallaw

Seven Habits of Effective Chapter Leaders

Be proactive.  It’s imperative that we, as professionals, see beyond the crisis that often stimulate the formation of local chapters.  We can spearhead positive leadership in our colleges or universities. Be an academic leader.  Although we sometimes join AAUP chapters for reasons of immediate self-interest, we …

AAUP Chapter Membership Drive

As in any chapter activity, the task of the membership drive is twofold: 1) to accomplish a concrete goal – for example, to increase chapter membership by a certain number, and 2) to build a stronger organization. To begin …

Gaining Legislative Action via Lobbying

Everyone can lobby and should consider doing so. You are a constituent. Legislators need you as much or more than you need them. Your opinion counts but only if they know it. Lobbying activity can backfire and hurt your case if not appropriately done. Provide facts and reasons in a civil manner without being argumentative or insulting.