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2/20/20 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present: Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Richard Laugesen (electronic), Walter McMahon, David O’Brien, Robert Parker, Daniel Steward, Leslie Struble (electronic); H. F. Williamson

    The meeting began at about 12:35 p.m. with O’Brien presiding.

    1. Review of the Minutes for January 23, 2020 Meeting of Policy Committee. The minutes were approved.
    2. Review of spring schedule of meetings. The schedule of meetings for the rest of the spring was part of the agenda. Those currently scheduled are:
      1. Regular Policy Committee Meetings: at 12:30 p.m. in 217 Illini Union
        • March 12 (second Thursdays) (spring vacation starts March 14)
        • April 16 (third Thursday)
        • May 7 (first Thursday, Reading Day)
      2. Promotion and Tenure Workshop: Thursday, April 16, 3 p.m., 314A Illini Union
      3. Annual Meeting: During the meeting, May 12, 2020 was chosen following the procedure of previous years (the Tuesday of final examination week). [NOTE: The room will be 314B Illini Union]
    3. President’s Report. O’Brien circulated copies of his President’s Monthly Report that covered the following topics.
      1. Meeting with Chancellor and Provost. O’Brien thought the meeting was in general collegial and affirmative. Topics to be considered for further discussion included how the new budget model will affects less remunerative programs and the possibility of having faculty “interns” in their offices.
      2. Meeting with Members of the Board of Trustees. The chapter leaders (O’Brien, Laugesen, and Kar) will meet with one or two members and President Killeen and Executive Vice President Wilson on March 12.
      3. Chapter Representation at the National Meeting. O’Brien was trying to get clarification on the effect of the new rules for small chapters regarding electing delegates to the national convention. It is not clear how the two chapters on this campus will be affected by the rule. He and Steward will review how this might work.
      4. Summary of Meeting with Members of Task Force on Faculty Sexual Misconduct. O’Brien reported that he had sent a summary of the discussion to Vice Provost Bernhard.
    4. Planning for Annual Meeting.
      1. Program: In his President’s report, O’Brien presented the names and links to information for three individuals who are widely published on the topic of the effect of outside, private money on higher education. He will circulate this information by email to facilitate further conversation.
      2. Date and location: It was moved and approved that the Annual Meeting be held the afternoon of May 12, 2020. This is the Tuesday of final examination week.
      3. Selection of Nominating Committee: Williamson was asked to Chair the Committee.
    5. Planning for Promotion and Tenure Workshop: Thursday, April 16, 2020 in 314A Illini Union
      1. Panelists. Hilton has reported that the panelists will be Provost Cangellaris, Vice Provost Bernhard: Professor Carol Tiley (FAC); Professor Andrew Suarez (P&T); and Professor John Prussing (AAUP).
      2. Publicity. We were asked to consider how we will plan to publicize the meeting as we prepare for the March Policy Committee meeting.
      3. Membership Material. Williamson will work with the national office to get membership materials to hand out.
      4. Refreshments. Hilton has arranged for the same refreshments as last year.
    6. Chapter Website. Struble reported on her discussion with an individual from the state AAUP organization about the security of Chapter and State webites. She felt that our website was in good
    7. Adjournment. There were no other reports so the meeting adjourned at about 1:28 p.m. As noted above, the next Policy Committee meeting will be at 12:30 p.m. on March 12, 2020 in 217 Illini Union.