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3/9/09 Policy Committee Minutes

    211 Illini Union

    Present: Abbas Aminmansour, Kan Andersen, Geneva Belford, Linn Belford, Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Walter McMahon, John Prussing, Art Robinson, Robert Spitze, Leslie Struble, and H. F. Williamson.

    The meeting began at about 12:15 p.m. with John Prussing presiding.

    President’s Report

    1. Review of the Minutes and Summary Report for February 9, 2009.  The minutes for the February 9, 2009 meeting with Vice Provost Barbara Wilson were also reviewed.  The minutes were approved with one change in the Policy Committee minutes.  In item 10, it should read that Aminmansour reported on meetings that were being planned concerning the future role of IBHE.  That is, the meetings had not occurred at the time of the Policy Committee meeting.
    2. Planning for Meeting with Vice President Rao.  Prussing reported that Uchtmann has arranged a meeting with her for Friday, March 13, in 217 Illini Union.  The draft of the agenda for the meeting was discussed.  The suggested revisions will be included in the copy sent to Vice President Rao and to the committee prior to the meeting.  We also discussed other topics that might be covered if she agrees.  Williamson determined who in attendance could meet with her and will email the other members of the Committee inviting them to attend.
    3. Review of Tenure Workshop.  We agreed that it went well.  Hilton has thanked the panel members and has started setting up the procedures to follow next year.  This will include a calendar indicating when certain steps should be taken.  Williamson circulated a list of the attendees (other than the panel and AAUP members) along with a suggested note that could be sent to individuals we know encouraging them to join the AAUP.

    Action Items

    1. Selection of Date for Annual Meeting.  It was moved and approved that the meeting be held on May 12, the Tuesday of final exam week.  It was agreed to hold it in the Union if possible.  We also proposed a program similar to last year:  reports from Uchtmann, Nelson, and Andersen.  Williamson will ask Nelson about his availability.
    2. Followup on sending the statement regarding Financial Planning and Academic Policy.  McMahon reported that Vice President Rao had raised two questions about the report and that he had answered them.  A further discussion is on the agenda for our meeting with her.
    3. Status of the Global Campus (GC).  Prussing and Aminmansour were two members of an ad hoc SEC Committee to examine certain aspects of the GC.  Most of the work will be focused on UIUC campus issues related to this program such as encouraging campus on-line courses and meeting with the Council of Deans to go over procedures being used by the GC to hire individuals for their programs.  We also discussed what interaction there might be between the North Central accreditation of the UIUC campus starting next fall and the review of the GC application for accreditation. 


    1. Report on Chapter Web Site.  Caveny has been working to keep the site up to date.  Two suggestions were to be sure to (a) note that the national Presidents listed are the ones who were from the UIUC campus and (b) have a link to the state Conference site.  There also could be a check to see that the new address for the National office is used if this is on the site.
    2. Government Relations Committee Report.  Andersen notes that the IBHE has prepared a budget proposal that outlines a set of budget scenarios depending on the percentage change in the higher education budget.
    3. Senate Actions.  Aminmansour reported that a committee has been set up to review proposals regarding the calendar such as the effect of moving from 50 minute to 60 minute classes.  The issues involved with the time-to-degree for Ph.D. candidates are also being considered.  Andersen is working on resolutions regarding pensions and health care to be presented to the Senate on behalf of Faculty Benefits.
    4. National and Conference Activities.  Andersen reported that the state meeting will be April 18, at 1:30 p.m. at Roosevelt University.  He urges that the chapter have representatives there.  He also brought copies of the fall 2008 and spring 2009 state Newsletter.  It includes the cover story on “Buttons Bans” in the Fall issue.  Uchtmann, Williamson, and he will look into mailing copies to the relevant administrators.