University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Academic Freedom for a Free Society
of University


AAUP values, new members welcome, the current landscape, statement on free speech in times of political crisis, panel on artificial intelligence and academic freedom, panel discussion on promotion and tenure, consultations with faculty, we'd love to talk with more UIUC faculty, and how to reach us
#YourCampusIsNext, what does the AAUP do, how can you join the AAUP, what does our AAUP chapter do, panel discussion on promotion and tenure, and we'd love to talk with more UIUC faculty
Teaching critical race theory at UIUC, consultations with faculty, dialogue with the UIUC administration, departmental political statements, workshop on promotion and tenure, and annual chapter meeting
New faculty orientation, critical race theory in the classroom at UIUC, can Zoom censor academic events, academic freedom in Europe, promotion and tenure workshop, social media and academic freedom, academic departments and political statements, campus belonging, and COVID-19 on campus.
AAUP/Provost’s Office report on shared governance, Spring semester activities, and save the date!
President's message, appeal for new members and invitation to get more involved, AAUP and COVID-19, and two members of policy committee recognized for becoming fifty-year AAUP Members
President's message, membership in the AAUP, and in memoriam: Ken Andersen

American Association of University Professors — UIUC Chapter

1001 S. Wright St.
Champaign, IL 61820

The University of Illinois AAUP chapter maintains this web site. Opinions expressed by individual contributors to the site represent their personal views and are not necessarily positions of the chapter or any other entity. Opinions expressed by the chapter do not necessarily represent the views of the national AAUP or any other entity.