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2/17/2016 President’s Report

    • DATE: February 17, 2016
    • TO: Policy Committee
    • FROM: Harry Hilton, UIUC AAUP Chapter President
    • RE: President’s Monthly Report to Policy Committee (Jan 20 – Feb 17, 2016)

    Removal from AAUP censure list and background checks: John Prussing and I met with Chancellor Wilson and Provost Feser on Feb 4, 2016. Subsequently, Wilson received an email from Hank Reichman, chair
    national AAUP academic freedom committee, stating…” I don’t see the background checks policy as posing any problems. It is no longer a concern.”

    At the meeting and prior to Reichman’s email, I pointed out that the final document approved by BoT in February needs further fine-tuning by UIUC in the following areas:

    • Fixed time reappointments – not mentioned that they are not subject to checks
    • Emeriti / emeritus appointments – why single out this group for background checks
    • Non citizen appointments – different procedure from US citizens
    • Keeping and retention of records – where, by whom, paper vs. electronic, how long
    • No appeal procedures from HRARC decisions
    • Classes of criminal offenses – not identified, are they all of equal weight?
    • Two faculty members on HRARC – they are in too large a minority
    • Candidate’s conduct and arrest – subsequent behavior to be taken into account? The provost indicated that he would look into these matters.

    I asked Chancellor Wilson to issue a statement on civility reaffirming the administration’s concurrence with the AAUP statement listed in the Policy Documents.

    I also asked Chancellor Wilson to impress on the BoT that it is imperative that they show a positive commitment to shared governance by meeting formally or informally with faculty groups in addition to SEC, Senate Conference, etc.

    Communication with National AAUP office (Anita Levy): Anita is being apprised of developments leading to our censure removal.
    Tenure workshop: The Provost, Vice Provost, John Prussing and Jim Imlay have agreed to participate the event that is scheduled for April 14, 2016, 2:30 – 4pm in 314B Illini Union. I am waiting to hear from Craig Koslofsky. The poster is ready except for the last participant.

    Formation of Policy Committee ad hoc committee on shared governance: The following members have been appointed to our new ad hoc Governance Committee and charged: Esfahani (chair), Francis, Rabin,
    O’Brien (ex officio), Hopkins (ex officio), Hilton (ex officio). The provost’s office has scheduled two seminars on shared governance. There have been no PC volunteers following my email request.

    Academic freedom and first amendment issues: The report from our chapter’s Academic Freedom committee and approved last month by our PC has been forwarded to the chancellor and SEC.

    Another OP-ED article: I am preparing an article for the News-Gazette on academic freedom and tenure that should appear this month.

    Nominating committee: Williamson, Parker and Prussing have been appointed and asked to report to the PC at our March meeting. All have agreed to serve. I thank them for their service to the chapter.