Present: Members: Hadi Esfahani, Robin Kar, Richard Laugesen, David O’Brien, Robert Parker, Daniel Steward, Leslie Struble, H. F. Williamson
Guests: Maxim Krupskii, Visiting Scholar; Christopher Kempf, Department of English
The meeting began at about 11:30 a.m. with Kar presiding.
- Introductions. Kar noted that there were two individuals new to the Committee and asked the attendees to introduce themselves.
- Review of the Minutes for January 23, 2025 Meeting of the Policy Committee. Since there were no responses to his request for substantive comments on the minutes, Kar announced that they were adopted by unanimous consent.
- President’s Report.
- Greeting to Guests. Kar opened his report by summarizing what the AAUP is and the vital role it has played traditionally to protect principles of academic freedom, tenure, and the concept of shared governance in American academia. The AAUP has frequently had challenges it has had to face both in the past and in the current environment. The Chapter is an independent, grassroots organization of faculty and staff helping to meet these challenges.
- Remarks. Kar noted that as we enter this part of the semester, the work of the Chapter falls into two general categories:
- Standard events: These would include planning for the Tenure Panel and the Annual Meeting as well as reacting to actions such as the Search for a Chancellor or the Nominations for Honorary Degrees
- Responses to New Threats to Higher Education. These would include our work with other organizations on campus under Laugesen’s leadership and possible additional events such as a presentation on autocracy and democracy in higher education.
- Executive Session. The Committee went into Executive Session for the presentation from Maxim Krupskii on Autocracy and Democracy. Kar concluded the presentation by thanking Maxim for his excellent presentation and noting that everything that happened in the conversations today is only the beginning of an ongoing, more extensive set of conversations. He will meet with Maxim to follow up on a wide range of things including the possibility of planning a larger event to cover these topics. Kar then returned the meeting to its original agenda.
- Action Items
- Procedures for Search for New Chancellor. Kar suggested that we consider contacting the appropriate administrator informally about our suggestions about our concerns such as whether the search process should be more open. As Laugesen noted, we could use the position adopted by the national AAUP as part of this communication. Kar concluded by noting that he will talk with Carol Symes about reaching out for such an informal conversation.
- Organizing on Campus. Laugesen has prepared the memorandum we are sending to related campus organizations proposing an initial meeting to:
- Determine whether these organizations want to be involved;
- Get to know each other and the nature of our concerns; and
- Establish lines of communications among these groups.
- Kar thanked Laugesen for leading this effort and noted that if anyone thought of other groups that should be included, they were asked to contact Kar as soon as possible. Kar hoped to send the memorandum out by Monday morning.
- Communication Issues. Kar led a discussion of the issues we think will be of highest concern and the policies already in place that are of most concern. He also noted that it could be important to have a session on how to communicate our concerns more effectively – i.e., “how to speak to the public.”
- Legislation regarding Awarding Honorary Degrees. There was a brief discussion of the proposed legislation regarding the process for awarding Honorary Degrees and the need to review it more thoroughly if it has a serious chance of becoming law.
- Scheduling Additional Public Meetings. The most likely meeting would be a presentation on issues relating to the autocratization of higher education by a panel including Maxim Krupskii and others suggested for its membership. Kar and Symes will start the planning and the determination of who else would be involved.
- Preparation for Meeting with Members of Board of Trustees. Kar asked O’Brien and Struble to lead this effort and prepare a first draft of the questions we would plan to ask the attendees.
- Preparation for Panel on Promotion and Tenure. Kar reported that Executive Vice Provost Bernhard and Associate Provost Santos have agreed to be on the panel again along with Carol Tilley in her role as Chair of FAC. He has also contacted Curtis Perry as the Chair of the Campus Promotion and Tenure Committee. The next step will be to determine the date for the meeting.
- Adjournment. Kar adjourned the meeting at about 1:05 p.m. The next meeting of the Policy Committee will be at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 13, 2025