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3/12/2018 President’s Report

    • DATE: March 12, 2018
    • TO: Policy Committee
    • FROM: Harry Hilton, UIUC AAUP Chapter President
    • RE: President’s Monthly Report to Policy Committee (2/14/18 – 3/12/18)
    1. Statute revisions: The revisions have been approved by the three senates and the Senates Council. They were transmitted to the president on December 5, 2016. President Killeen and Executive VP Wilson indicated that they are actively pursuing the various details necessary for a major revision effort. Next BoT meetings are on:
      • Mar 15, 2018 Urbana
      • May 17, 2018 Springfield
      • July 18-19, 2018 Urbana
      • Sep 27, 2018 Urbana
      • Nov 15, 2018 Chicago
      • Jan 17, 2019 Chicago
      • Mar 14, 2019 Urbana
      • May 16, 2019 Springfield
      • July 24-25, 2019 Chicago
      • I have been assured of notification prior of transmittal to BoT of the president’s recommendations. Nothing has yet been transmitted. Barbara Wilson has indicated that a general “clean up” of the statute language is in progress.
    2. PC meetings with administrators: The meeting with Chancellor Jones and PC members is scheduled for 11 am, Monday, April 23 in 217 IU.
    3. Tenure and promotion workshop: Provost Andreas Cangellaris had to be out of town and could not attend as planned. Panel participants were vice provost Bill Bernhard, associate provost for faculty development Amy Santos, Craig Koslofsky (FAC), Robert Lawless (campus P&T) and John Prussing (national and UIUC chapter services). Although only 26 colleagues were in the audience (normally 50 – 75) there was a lively Q/A period after panel presentations.
    4. Legislative attacks on tenure, course content, free speech and science: Bob Parker continues to track and monitor news items on these important subjects. The topic for our May 8, 2018 workshop in conjunction with the annual membership meeting is “The War Against Universities, Academic freedom and science.” Panelists are Rochelle Guttierez and Donald Wuebbles, with Bob Parker as moderator. The annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 8, 2018, 3:00 – 4:30 pm, 314 B Illini Union.
    5. Shared governance questionnaire: Hadi Esfahani has prepared an evaluation report of the of the answered questionnaires and he will brief the PC. A similar questionnaire will be sent next to the UIUC tenure track and tenured faculty through the provost office. We may wish to consider this topic and responses for a special meeting.
    6. The Jay Rosenstein matter: Jay has asked for the chapter’s help and I have asked John Prussing, chair of our AF&T committee, to investigate. The national office has been active and has sent several email letters to Chancellor Jones raising procedural questions.
    7. Meeting with Chancellor and Provost: David O’Brien, John Prussing and I are scheduled to meet with Jones and Cangellaris on 3/16 for 30 min to discuss suspension procedures, part time faculty advisor in chancellor’s office, and clarification of a reference to “faculty governance” in negotiations with graduate students. Prior to his retirement, Ken Anderson held that faculty position, but he has not been replaced since Phyllis Wise’s tenure.