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11/6/2018 President’s Report

    • DATE: November 6, 2018
    • TO: Policy Committee
    • FROM: Harry Hilton, UIUC AAUP Chapter President
    • RE: President’s Monthly Report to Policy Committee (10/3/18 – 11/6/18)
    1. Statute revisions: The revisions have been approved by the three senates and the Senates Council. They were transmitted to the president on December 5, 2016. President Killeen and Executive VP Wilson indicated that they are actively pursuing the various details necessary for a major revision effort. Next BoT meetings are on:
      • Nov 15, 2018 Chicago
      • Jan 17, 2019 Chicago
      • Mar 14, 2019 Urbana
      • May 16, 2019 Springfield
      • July 24-25, 2019 Chicago
      • We have been assured of notification prior of transmittal to BoT of the president’s recommendations. Nothing has yet been transmitted. Barbara Wilson has indicated that a general “clean up” of the statute language is in progress.
    2. Executive Committee: and Trustees: The Executive Committee and Trustee meeting scheduled for 9/27/18 was cancelled by the trustees at the last minute. It will be rescheduled in the near future.
    3. PC meetings with president: The meeting with President Killeen and Executive VP Wilson and PC members scheduled for 2 – 3 pm, Tuesday, November 13, 2018 had to be cancelled. A new time and date are being investigated.
    4. Legislative attacks on tenure, course content, free speech and science: Bob Parker continues to track and monitor news items on these important subjects.
    5. Shared governance questionnaire: Hadi Esfahani and his committee have prepared a questionnaire to be sent to the faculty. We may wish to consider this topic and responses for a future special or annual chapter meeting.
    6. Sexual harassment: The reported number of such campus and near campus incidents has increased. I suggest that our PC monitor the proper and equitable disposition of such occurrences. Any volunteers? This could also be a topic for a membership meeting or for the annual meeting.