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    • DATE: October 10, 2017
    • TO: Policy Committee
    • FROM: Harry Hilton, UIUC AAUP Chapter President
    • RE: President’s Monthly Report to Policy Committee (9/5/17 – 10/10/17)
    1. Statute revisions: The revisions have been approved by the three senates and the Senates Council. They were transmitted to the president on December 5, 2016. President Killeen and Executive VP Wilson indicated that they are actively pursuing the various details necessary for a major revision effort. Next BoT meetings are on:
      • Nov 16, 2017 Chicago
      • Jan 18, 2018 Chicago
      • Mar 15, 2018 Urbana
      • May 17, 2018 Springfield
      • July 18-19, 2018 Urbana
      • I have been assured of notification prior of transmittal to BoT of the president’s recommendations. Nothing has yet been transmitted.
    2. Chapter officers meeting with trustees: Following my request to President Killeen, he arranged a meeting with Trustees Koritz (chair) and McMillan (past chair). O’Brien and I met with them on Sept 6. Killeen and Wilson also attended. We had a frank and fruitful discussion for about an hour. Topics: the two UIUC AAUP chapters, censure removal, academic freedom, shared governance, statute revisions. Informally it was agreed for the chapter officers to meet with two trustees annually.
    3. PC meetings with administrators: Killeen and Wilson will meet with PC members at 11 am on Oct. 11. I have requested a similar meeting with Chancellor Jones and he has indicated that he will be out of town on our Fall meeting dates. As soon as the PC approves our Spring 2018 dates a meeting will be scheduled with PC members.
    4. Tenure and promotion workshop: When the new provost is selected, I will invite her/him and associate provost Bill Bernhard so that an early date can be set. If the selection is not finalized by November 15 or if the new provost does not assume office prior to April 2018, I will invite the current interim provost John Wilkin to the workshop and proceed with the necessary arrangements.
    5. Legislative attacks on tenure and course content: Bob Parker continues to track and monitor news items on this important subject. We may wish to consider these topics for a workshop or for the May annual membership meeting or an additional event.
    6. Shared governance questionnaire: Twenty per cent of the questionnaires were returned in mid-April. Interim provost Wilkin graciously agreed to resent the questionnaire this summer to the unit heads. Responses were received with deadline last week and our ad hoc committee is evaluating them. Hadi Esfahani will report when the evaluation has been completed. A similar questionnaire will be sent next to the UIUC tenure track and tenured faculty through the provost office. We may wish to consider this topic and responses for our annual or a special meeting.