- DATE: March 16, 2016
- TO: Policy Committee
- FROM: Harry Hilton, UIUC AAUP Chapter President
- RE: President’s Monthly Report to Policy Committee (Feb 17 – Mar 16, 2016)
Removal from AAUP censure list and background checks: I had a conversation with Bill Maher, USSP chair, and he indicated that at the April 4, 2016, Senate meeting the committee will present for first reading a Statute amendment to codify hiring procedures.
Parenthetical, I must add that I noticed last week that a Notice of Appointment (NOA) issued on Feb 26, 2016, still carried the old verbiage about appointments starting on Aug 21 and that the BoT traditionally approves contracts at their September meeting. I emailed the provost and associate provost and asked them to direct Personnel (HR) to
fix the discrepancy. The latter has replied that they are looking into the matter in order to correct the NOA form.
Wozniak developments: Lou has replaced his current lawyer with a new one.
Steve Kaufman and censure: Steve has written to Anita Levy asking that AAUP national look into the lack of administrative nondiscrimination before lifting censure.
Tenure workshop: The provost, vice provost, John Prussing and Jim Inlay have agreed to participate the event that is scheduled for April 14, 2016, 2:30 – 4 pm in 314B Illini Union. I have finally heard from Craig Koslofsky. The poster is attached. Please talk to your tenure track colleagues and advertise the event. Thanks.