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1/20/2016 President’s Report

    • DATE: January 20, 2016
    • TO: Policy Committee
    • FROM: Harry Hilton, UIUC AAUP Chapter President
    • RE: President’s Monthly Report to Policy Committee (Dec 9, 2015 – Jan 20, 2016)

    Background checks for new hires: I have asked for a meeting of chapter officers with the Provost regarding background checks to raise our objections as spelled out in the News-Gazette OP-END article of 1/17/16. I am assuming that the UIUC implementation document will be presented to our BoT on Jan 21, 2016, at their Chicago meeting, although their published agenda is very sketchy and does not spell any detailed items. I have not seen any new draft after the one that Pierre showed us at our Nov 2015 meeting.  Depending on the content of the UIUC document, I may as a card carrying ACLU member of long standing ask that organization to look into the legal aspects. You may have seen that the UoI obtained an opinion from an outside law firm. It stated that the BoT mandated background checks met federal guidelines and were not discriminatory.

    Communications with Board of Trustees: I have delayed asking for a meeting with our BoT in Chicago tomorrow because of the absence of the UIUC background check document. However, I will ask for a meeting on Mar 16, 2016, when the Board meets on our campus.

    Removal from AAUP censure list: I am closely monitoring university and campus events that eventually should lead to our removal from the list and will keep you informed.  I have asked for a meeting with Chancellor Wilson and Provost Feser and chapter officers. It will take place on Feb 4, 2016, and I will let you know what transpires.  Pending matter: As I reported last month, USSP presented for first reading at the Nov 16, 2015, Senate meeting a Statute amendment dealing with academic appointments in regard to timely approvals, BoT authority delegations to the president and chancellors for appointment approvals below deans, campus and university administrators, etc. The document is back at USSP for some minor revisions and should be returned to the Senate for final approval at the Feb 8, 2016 meeting. PC will be advised on details.

    Communication with National AAUP office (Anita Levy): Anita is being apprised of developments leading to our censure removal.

    New Wozniak developments: I had a phone conversation with Lou and he told me that there is nothing new on the lawsuit. I will keep PC members advised of new future developments.

    Tenure workshop: Invitations have been issued to the provost and vice provost for the event. Once their availability is confirmed I will contact past panelists Jim Imlay and Craig Koslofsky.

    Formation of Policy Committee ad hoc committees: I am appointing the following members to our new ad hoc Governance Committee: Esfahani (chair), Francis, Rabin, O’Brien (ex officio), Hopkins (ex officio), Hilton (ex officio). The charge and appointment letter is being mailed to the members.

    Some academic freedom and first amendment issues: Attached is a report from our chapter’s Academic Freedom committee for PC discussion and action.