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11/12/20 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present: Hadi Esfahani, Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Robin Kar, Richard Laugesen, Walter McMahon, David O’Brien, Robert Parker, Bruce Rosenstock, Daniel Steward, Leslie Struble, H. F. Williamson.

    The meeting began at about 12:34 p.m. with O’Brien presiding.

    1. Review of the Minutes for October 8, 2020 Meeting of Policy Committee. The minutes were approved.
    2. President’s Report. O’Brien discussed the activities that were covered in his report for this meeting
      1. Governance Report. Rick Laugesen, Hadi Esfahani, and he met with Staci Provezis, Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness, and Bill Bernhard, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, shortly after the October 8 Policy Committee meeting to discuss the draft of our analysis of the governance survey. “The discussion was productive and cordial.” Topics covered included concerns over confidentiality of the results including instructions that the report should not yet be shared with anyone and coordination of the preparation of report of the results. It was suggested that O’Brien check with Bernhard about the status of their report
      2. Statute Revisions. There was lengthy discussion of two aspects of this topic: the resolutions that have been prepared by the Senate particularly regarding concerns over and protection from the impact of the Supreme Court decision on Garcetti v. Ceballos, and the way resolutions passed by the Senate have been handled by President Killeen. Kar and Francis reviewed their experience as Chairs of the Senate Executive Committee. Kar will see what information he can obtain on the what the recent experience has been regarding these resolutions. The subcommittee that was formed (Kar, Rosenstock, and O’Brien) will also address this issue.
      3. Breakfast with Trustees. Our annual tradition of having some members of this committee meet with some of the Trustees, usually at breakfast, seems unlikely to be continued this year. O’Brien will see if that or an alternative might be possible in the spring.
      4. New Members for the Policy Committee. The two individuals he contacted last month are currently too busy to consider joining the Committee. Each will be contacted again in the future. Other possible individuals were suggested.
      5. Planning for Chapter Annual Meeting. O’Brien noted it is not too early to start planning for the Annual Meeting. Our final decision will depend on what occurs regarding such possible topics as the conclusions from the Governance Report.
      6. AAUP Annual Meeting. O’Brien reminded the Committee that the AAUP Annual Meeting, which had been delayed because of COVID-19, will take place online on Sunday, November 22, 2020 and can be attended on Zoom by all members without costs. Advance sign-up is required for both delegates and members on Zoom and will be open from November 6 to November 21, 1:00 PM Eastern Time.
    3. Schedule for Fall Policy Committee Meetings: O’Brien referred to the information provided in the agenda for the schedule of the remaining Policy Committee meetings which will be December 10 starting at 12:30 p.m. and held electronically.
    4. Approval of Proposed spring, 2021 schedule of regular Policy Committee meetings. The results of the poll of Policy Committee members about preferred days of the week for our spring meeting indicated that Thursday was preferred. Thus, the following proposed schedule for the spring was presented to the Committee and approved without objection:
      • January 28 (fourth Thursday; instruction begins Jan. 25; King Holiday is Jan. 18)
      • February 18 (third Thursday)
      • March 11 (second Thursday)
      • April 8 (second Thursday)
      • May 6 (first Thursday, this is Reading Day)
      • NOTE: May 11 is the Tuesday of final examination week, the day chosen for recent Annual Meetings.
    5. Promotion and Tenure Workshop. Hilton has confirmed that he arranged for the meeting to be held on April 1, 2021 in coordination with Provost Cangellaris and Vice Provost Bernhard. He also confirmed that the panel is complete with the agreement by Professor Carol L. Tilley to participate again with an emphasis on addressing the role of the faculty Advisory Committee and appeal procedures.
    6. Other Activities for the Chapter
      • Academic Freedom Committee. O’Brien is continuing to work with the individual who has contacted him as AAUP Chapter President for advice.
      • Reports. There were no activities to report regarding the NTFC Local #6546 Chapter (Steward) or the Chapter Website (Strubel).
    7. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at about 1:43 p.m. As noted above, the next meeting will be at 12:30 p.m. on December 10, 2020