Present: Harry Hilton, Richard Laugesen (electronic), Walter McMahon, David O’Brien, Robert Parker, Daniel
Steward, Leslie Struble (electronic); H. F. Williamson
The meeting began at about 12:35 p.m. with O’Brien presiding.
- Review of the Minutes for February 20, 2020 Meeting of Policy Committee. The minutes were approved.
- Review of Meeting with Members of Board of Trustees. The first part of the President’s report was a summary of the topics covered at the meeting of O’Brien, Parker, and Kor from the Chapter with Trustees Donald J. Edwards (Chair) and Edward L. McMillan along with President Killeen and Executive Vice President Wilson. These included the state support for the University, preparation for handling threats to academic freedom, and protection of the freedom to criticize institutional policies and decisions.
- Review of Draft of Chapter Newsletter. The second part of the President’s report was a draft of the AAUP Chapter Newsletter that is the first of what O’Brien hopes will become a regular feature. There was a lengthy discussion of the content, format, and plans for distribution. O’Brien plans to draft a final copy based on this discussion.Review of Spring Schedule of Policy Committee Meetings. O’Brien noted that there are two more regularly scheduled meetings of the Policy Committee on April 16 and May 7, each at 12:30 p.m. in 217 Illini Union.
- Planning for Promotion and Tenure Workshop. There was a lengthy debate among which of the following options (or combinations of options) we should choose given the uncertainty of the effect of the COVID-19 virus: continue as planned; continue as planned with a mix of live and online presentations; continue as planned with an online presentation only; postpone until later in the spring; or postpone until the fall. The final decision was to postpone the meeting from the original April 16, 2020 date until either later in the spring or until the fall semester. Hilton will look in the possibilities of the former.
- Annual Meeting.
- Current Date, Time, and Location: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 3 p.m. in 314B Illni Union.
- Planning. There was a brief discussion of the similar problem we may face with regard to holding the Annual Meeting. O’Brien had included in his President’s report a suggestion for a possible speaker, but this idea no longer seemed viable. An alternative program was suggested in which the President would lead a discussion of which actions the members felt the Chapter should take. No final decisions were made.
- Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee (Williamson, Parker) reported that the nominees to serve as officers during the 2020-2021 term were: President: David O’Brien; Vice President: Richard Laugesen; Secretary and Treasurer: H. F. Williamson
- Chapter Website. Struble discussed the actions she has had to take to move the work on the web site to her new computer. Steward offered to work with her to help the move go more smoothly.
- Adjournment. There were no other reports so the meeting adjourned at about 1:30 p.m. As noted above, the next meetings will be at 12:30 p.m. on April 16, 2020 in 217 Illini Union.