Present: Hadi Esfahani, Harry Hilton, Richard Laugesen, Walter McMahon, John Prussing, Bruce Rosenstock, H. F. Williamson
The meeting began at about 12:30 p.m. with Hilton presiding.
- Introductions.
- Review of the Minutes for December 12, 2018 Meeting of Policy Committee. The minutes were approved.
- President’s Report. Hilton discussed the following items in his report.
- The postponed meeting with members of the Board of Trustees is being rescheduled for March 14, 2019.
- Members of the Executive committee met with vice-provost Bernhard on December 13 to discuss issues of mutual interest including our proposed faculty shared governance survey; the campus plans for a task force on sexual misconduct, and the annual P&T workshop.
- The proposed merger at the national level of the AAUP advocacy part with the CBU.
- The visit of Hank Reichman, national AFC chair, to the University of Chicago next fall. We might consider whether we might be interested in arranging a visit on our campus as well.
- Schedule of Spring Meetings of the Policy Committee. Given the decision to have the meetings on Thursday starting at 12:30 PM in 217 Illini Union, the schedule for the rest of the spring will be: Thursdays: February 14; March 14; April 11; and May 2
- Preparation for Meeting with President Killeen and Executive Vice President Wilson
- Date, Time, and Location: The meeting will start at 11 AM on Thursday, February 28 in 364 Administration Building. We will see if the room is available at noon for a follow-up meeting by the members of the Policy Committee.
- Review of Agenda: The discussion included suggestions on which items on the draft should be deleted and how the rest should be rearranged. Laugesen and Williamson will prepare the next draft for review at the February Policy Committee meeting.
- Chapter and National Policies on Sexual Harassment and Title IX Guidelines. We discussed what we feel are the positions that are being taken on these issues particularly regarding guidelines for determining whether a violation has occurred. Rosenstockagreed to prepare a proposal for the Chapter on these issues.
- Proposed Changes in Shared Organizational Structure of the AAUP. Hilton led a discussion of this issue including our concern that advocacy chapters might get submerged within the new, merged organization.Rosenstock reported on the information he received from Christopher Simeone at the national office concerning the implications for the situation on our campus with regard to the two AAUP-related organizations. Simeone assured him that each chapter’s status will remain the same.
- Planning for Other Meetings
- Other Administrators. Given we are meeting with the President and Executive Vice President this spring, Hilton will wait until fall to schedule meetings with other administrators.
- Spring Tenure Workshop. Hilton continues to work with the panelists to arrange a time.
- Preparation for Annual Meeting
- Selection of Date, Location: The tentative date is during the final week of the semester on Thursday, April 25, 2019 in 314 A Illini Union
- Selection of Program. A program on the issues involving sexual harassment and Title IX Guidelines was suggested. Rosenstock will work prepare a proposal for the February Policy Committee meeting.
- Selection of Nominating Committee. Hilton will select the committee this month.
- Report from the Membership Committee. Rosenstock and Laugesen discussed the flyer that they had prepared and the details of the proposed membership campaign.Current members will be asked to join in the campaign this spring to help protect the existence of the AAUP.
- Report on Activities of Shared Governance Committee. Esfahani reported that Vice Provost Bernhard will arrange for the distribution of the questionnaire to faculty.
- Report from Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee. Prussing discussed two cases that had been brought to the committee. He noted that in one case the individual has brought a case in the courts so we are not able to do much work with the faculty member until the case has been resolved. In the other, the individual had taken a number of actions but had not contacted FAC so was advised to do so.
There were no other reports so the meeting adjourned at about 1:47 p.m. As noted above, the next meeting will be on Thursday, February 13, 2019 starting at 12:30 PM in 217 Illini Union