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4/5/17 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present:  Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Walter McMahon, David O’Brien, Robert Parker, John Prussing, Daniel Steward, Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson

    The meeting began at about 12:05 p.m. with Harry Hilton presiding.

    1. Introductions.
    2. Review of the Minutes for March 15, 2017 Meeting of Policy Committee.  The minutes were approved.

    Discussion Items

    1. President’s ReportHilton reviewed the key topics in his report, some of which are covered further elsewhere in the minutes.
      1. The panelists for the tenure workshop are set.  They will be Provost Wilkin, Vice Provost Benmamoun, Terry Ostler (UIUC P&T Committee); Lynne Rudasill (FAC); and John Prussing.
      2. He continues to follow up on the status of the revisions in the Statutes regarding hiring policies that have been approved by the three senates and the Senate Council. They were transmitted to the president on December 5, 2016.  He has asked the President’s office to notify him when they are sent to Board of Trustees. 
      3. Parker continues to track actions which are being taken at the state level to outlaw tenure such as legislation introduced in Iowa and Missouri. 
      4. The shared governance questionnaire was distributed by the office of the Vice Provost with a return deadline of April 14.
      5. Hilton recommended the membership on the Policy Committee of Daniel Steward, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology.  He would provide a link to the work of the NTFC chapter.  The motion to approve his membership was approved.
      6. He reported that the campus site visit by Professor Mark Criley, Illinois Wesleyan University, was postponed until April 28.  Hilton will be preparing a statement for approval by the Policy Committee.
      7. He included in his report a copy of the letter to Representative Davis prepared by O’Brien on behalf of the Chapter and the response.
    2. Review of schedule of meetings for spring semester.
      1. Promotion and Tenure Workshop: 3:30 p.m., Thursday, April 20, 2017 in 314A Illini Union
      2. Special Meeting for voting members of the Policy Committee with Vice President Wilson: 11 a.m., Wednesday, April 26, in 217 Illini Union.
      3. Regular Meetings of Policy Committee:  noon, Wednesday, April 26:  213 Illini Union
      4. Site Visit from National AAUP:  April 28
      5. Annual Meeting:  3:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 9, 2017; 104 Illini Union
    3. Schedule of Fall Meetings:  The results of the survey concerning meeting days in the fall led to the decision to continue meeting at noon on the second (when possible) Wednesday of the month.  The schedule will be as follows:
      • Wednesday, September 6 (1st Wednesday); Instruction begins August 28 and Labor Day is Sept. 4.
      • Wednesday, October 11  (2nd Wednesday);
      • Wednesday, November 8  (2nd Wednesday).
      • Wednesday, December 13 (2nd Wednesday);  Reading Day is December 14

    Action Items

    1. Meeting with Campus Administrators
      1. Preparation for Meeting of Voting Members of Policy Committee with Vice President Wilson on April 26.  The draft agenda for the meeting was reviewed and approved with editing.
      2. Invitations to Other Administrators.  Individuals we will consider for inviting to meet with us in the fall will include President Killeen, Provost Wilkins, and Vice Chancellor for Research.
    2. Planning for the Spring Tenure Workshop on April 20, 2017.  Suggestions for publicizing the workshop among our colleagues were discussed.  Drafts of letters to (a) department executive officers and (b) young faculty colleagues will be circulated to help this effort.
    3. Planning for Annual Meeting on May 9, 2017
      1. Nominating Committee Report:  The nominations of Hilton for President, O’Brien for Vice President and Williamson for Secretary-Treasurer were approved
      2. Proposed Amendment to Bylaws.  The amendments to change the start of the officers’ terms and to create the position of Secretary-Treasurer were approved.
      3. Selection of Program and Speakers.  It was decided to hold an open meeting on the impact of the potential losses in Federal funding to such organizations as the NIH, NEH, NSF, and others and the resulting impacts on such items on campus as research programs, support of the campus research board, and graduate student funding.  Hilton will invite a speaker such as Harry Seidel, NCSA Director, to make a presentation on this topic.
    4. Attendance at Annual Meeting AAUP Meeting in Washington, D.C.  The motion to select Harry Hilton as an official delegate from the Chapter and to provide up to $1000 in support for documented expenses was approved.


    1. Government Relations Committee.  McMahon discussed his concerns with the stress being placed on accountability and graduation rates for the state Universities without acknowledgment of the effect of the significant underfunding of higher education and scholarship support on these issues. Other Planned AAUP Activities for 2017

    The meeting adjourned at about 12:55 p.m.

    As noted above, the next meeting will be at noon on April 26, 2017 in 213 Illini Union.

    Prepared by H. Williamson, Secretary