Present: Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Richard Laugesen, Walter McMahon, David O’Brien, John Prussing, Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson
The meeting began at about 12:05 p.m. with Harry Hilton presiding.
- Introductions.
- Review of the Minutes for January 18, 2017 Meeting of Policy Committee. The minutes were approved.
Discussion Items
- President’s Report. Hilton reviewed the key topics in his report, some of which are covered elsewhere in the minutes.
- He noted that the revisions in the Statutes regarding hiring policies have been approved by the three senates and the Senate Council. They were transmitted to the president on December 5, 2016. He has asked the President’s office to notify him when they are sent to Board of Trustees.
- Parker continues to track actions which are being taken at the state level to outlaw tenure such as legislation introduced in Iowa and Missouri.
- He worked with the Associate Provost to be sure that the questionnaire prepared by the Shared Governance Ad-Hoc Committee would be completed this semester.
- He continues to work on arranging the Promotion and Tenure Workshop. The Associate Provost will attend and the new interim provost will be invited once he is in office.
- Review of schedule of meetings for spring semester.
- Regular Meetings of Policy Committee:
- March 15: 213 Illini Union
- April 5: 217 Illini Union (NOTE: different room for this meeting)
- April 26: 213 Illini Union
- Promotion and Tenure Workshop: 3:30 p.m., Thursday, April 20, 2017 in 314A Illini Union
- Annual Meeting: 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 9, 2017; 104 Illini Union
- Regular Meetings of Policy Committee:
- Meeting with Shawn Gilmore, President of the NTFC Local #5646. Hilton reported on the meeting he, O’Brien and Prussing had with Mr. Gilmore. Hilton also circulated a copy of the “Joint Organizing Agreement between the AAUP and the AFT.” It was not clear when or where it was in effect since it was note dated and there were ten institutions listed for initial exploration including our campus. There was an extensive discussion of what might occur given that there were two AAUP “organizations” on campus: the current advocacy chapter and the group organizing the non-tenure track faculty.
- Chapter Activity on National Issues. O’Brien reported on a request for the Chapter to participate in efforts to address policy issues being considered at the national level that affect the academic community. His report will be on the agenda for the March meeting of the policy Committee. He will see if there are any resources available from the national office as well. The proposal may include writing to our representative in Congress.
- Meetings with Campus Administrators
- Report on January 23 meeting with Chancellor Jones and Provost Feser. It was agreed that the meeting went well.
- Invitations to Other Administrators. Hilton is arranging a meeting with Vice President Wilson in April.
- Planning for Annual Meeting
- Preliminary Report from Nominating Committee. The members have been informed of the selection of the Committee and asked for suggestions.
- Selection of Program and Speakers for Annual Meeting. Possible topics included (i) the attacks on tenure and (ii) the state of the state in Illinois.
The meeting adjourned at about 12:55 p.m.
As noted above, the meeting next month will be March 15, 2017 in 213 Illini Union.
Prepared by H. Williamson, Secretary