Present: Hadi Esfahani, Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Richard Laugesen, David O’Brien, Robert Parker, John Prussing, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson: Guest: Bruce Rosenstock
The meeting began at about 12:02 p.m. with Harry Hilton presiding.
- Introductions.
- Review of the Minutes for January 17, 2018 Meeting of Policy Committee. The minutes were approved.
- Comment Period. Rosenstock initiated a discussion of the decision to place Rosenstein on paid administrative leave as a result of ;his actions at the State Farm Center by reading a resolution on the matter that he had prepared. O’Brien led the discussion of the concerns about how the actions of the Chancellor did or did not follow the University’s Statutes. The rest of the discussion included comments about the role of the national office including the letter that had been sent and the best alternatives for resolving the situation. Prussing noted that the Chapter’s AFT Committee had not been contacted concerning this situation. Hilton, Prussing, and O’Brien were delegated to represent the Policy Committee in meeting with the Chancellor.
- President’s Report. Hilton reviewed the key topics in his report, some of which are covered further elsewhere in the minutes.
- He continues to follow up on the status of the revisions in the Statutes regarding hiring policies that have been approved by the three senates and the Senate Council. They were transmitted to the president on December 5, 2016.
- He continues to try to arrange a meeting with Chancellor Jones during the spring semester. [NOTE: A meeting has been arranged at 11 a.m. on April 23 in 217 Illini Union]
- Two representatives of the Provost’s office have agreed to participate on the panel for the Tenure and Promotion Workshop on March 8. Hilton is inviting two others panelists to represent the CAFT and the FAC. the spring.
- Parker continues to track actions which are being taken at the state level regarding tenure and course content. Hilton will continue to work with Parker and O’Brien to organize the Annual Meeting.
- Review of schedule of meetings for spring semester. As discussed in more detail elsewhere in the minutes in some cases, the schedule for the rest of the semester will be:
- Regular Meetings of Policy Committee: Noon: March 14; April 11; and April 25 (new date) in 217 Illini Union
- Promotion and Tenure Workshop: 3:30 p.m., Thursday, March 8, 2018; 104 Illini Union
- Annual Meeting: 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 8, 2018; 314B Illini Union
- Meeting with Campus Administrators. As noted in the President’s report, the Policy Committee will be meeting with Chancellor Jones at 11 a.m. in 217 Illini Union on Monday, April 23.
- Planning for the Spring Tenure Workshop
- Date and Location: Thursday, March 8, 2018 in 104 Illini Union
- Speakers: The speakers will include two representatives from the Provost’s office and Craig Koslofsky (FAC) and Robert Lawless (P&T Committee representative).
- Publicity: Hilton and Williamson led a discussion of how to work with the campus and department level administrators
- Preparation for Annual Meeting
- Selection of Date: The Annual Meeting will be at 3:00 p.m. on May 8 in 314 B Illini Union
- Selection of Program: The title of the program will be “The War Against Universities and Academic Freedom.” Parker will moderate the discussion by the panelists Professors Rochelle Gutierrez and Donald J. Wuebbles.
- Selection of Nominating Committee. Hilton has selected a nominating committee of O’Brien (chair), Prussing, and Williamson.
- Report from Shared Governance Committee. Esfahani discussed the situation briefly and indicated he planned to report at the March meeting.
There were no additional reports so the meeting adjourned at about 12:56 p.m.
As noted above, the next meeting for the spring semester will be will be on March 14, 2018 in 217 Illini Union.
Prepared by H. F. Williamson, Secretary