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1/17/18 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present:  Harry Hilton, Richard Laugesen, Walter McMahon, David O’Brien, Robert Parker, John Prussing, Daniel Steward, H. F. Williamson

    The meeting began at about 12:11 p.m. with Harry Hilton presiding.  

    1. Introductions.
    2. Review of the Minutes December 13, 2017 Meeting of Policy Committee.  A revision was approved to change the first sentence in (8) to read:  “Steward reported that they had communicated with the faculty member at Barnard College concerning her termination.”  The minutes as revised were approved.
    3. President’s ReportHilton reviewed the key topics in his report, some of which are covered further elsewhere in the minutes.
      1. He continues to follow up on the status of the revisions in the Statutes regarding hiring policies that have been approved by the three senates and the Senate Council. They were transmitted to the president on December 5, 2016.
      2. He continues to try to arrange a meeting with Chancellor Jones during the spring semester.  The possibility of meeting with the new Provost next fall was also discussed.
      3. Provost Andreas Cangellaris and Associate Provost Bill Bernhard have agreed to participate on the panel for the Tenure and Promotion Workshop on March 8.  He is inviting two others panelists to represent the CAFT and the FAC. the spring. 
      4. Parker continues to track actions which are being taken at the state level regarding tenure and course content.  Hilton will continue to work with Parker and O’Brien to organize the Annual Meeting.
      5. A report on the results of the shared governance questionnaire will be presented at the February.  We may wish to consider holding a special meeting on this topic.
    4. Review of schedule of meetings for spring semester.  It was announced that the final meeting of the Policy Committee was moved from May 2 to April 25 in 217 Illini Union.  Thus the spring schedule will be:
      1. Regular Meetings of Policy Committee: Noon:  March 14; April 11; and April 25 in 217 Illini Union
      2. Promotion and Tenure Workshop: 3:30 p.m., Thursday, March 8, 2018, 104 Illini Union
      3. Annual Meeting:  3:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 8, 2018; 314B Illini Union
    5. Planning for the Spring Tenure Workshop:  March 8, 2018 in 104 Illini Union.  As noted in the President’s Report, Hilton is working on getting the final two speakers.  He will then start the procedures for publicizing the Workshop including preparing the poster.
    6. Preparation for Annual Meeting:  May 8 in 314B Illini Union.  As noted in the President’s Report, Hilton will continue to work with Parker and O’Brien to organize the meeting.
    7. Selection of Nominating Committee.  Hilton will appoint the committee in preparation for the February meeting of the Policy Committee.
    8. Other.  Parker and Laugesen led a brief discussion of the concerns being raised regarding such issues as academic freedom and free speech on campuses across the country and the attacks by various groups attempting to stop such topics as critical thinking.  (NOTE:  See for example the articles in the January-February, 2018 issue of Academe.)

    There were no additional reports so the meeting adjourned at about 12:45 p.m.

    As noted above, the next meeting for the spring semester will be will be February 14, 2018 in 217 Illini Union.

    Prepared by H. F. Williamson, Secretary