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2/17/16 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present:  Hadi Esfahani, Harry Hilton, Lew Hopkins, Richard Laugesen, Walter McMahon, David O’Brien, John Prussing, Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson

    The meeting began at about 12:25 p.m. with Harry Hilton presiding.


    1. Review of the Minutes for January 20, 2016 Meeting of Policy Committee.  The minutes were approved after a correction in the number for the meeting room in the heading.  It was 213 Illini Union.
    2. Spring schedule:
      1. Policy Committee meetings.  The remaining spring Policy Committee meetings will be at noon in 213 Illini Union on March 16, April 13, and May 4.
      2. Meeting with Administrators:  Policy Committee members will meet at 11 a.m. in 213 Illini Union with President Killeen on April 13. 
      3. Tenure Workshop:  The Tenure Workshop will be at 2:30 p.m. on April 14 in 314B Illini Union.
      4. Annual Meeting:  The proposed date of May 10 for the Annual Meeting was approved.
    3. President’s Report.  Hilton noted that a copy of his report was part of the meeting packet.  A copy of this report is part of these minutes and will be cited as appropriate among the Action Items below.

    Action Items

    1. Discussion of Meeting with Chancellor Wilson.  It was agreed that the meeting went well.  If the administration is able to follow up on the suggestions made, there could be a great payoff.
    2. Removal from AAUP Censure (see Report).  In his report, Hilton reported on the meeting that John Prussing and he held with Chancellor Wilson and Provost Feser.  He reported on what he asked the Chancellor to do regarding a statement on civility and working with the Board of Trustees on ways they could show their commitment to shared governance.  Hilton continues his contacts with Anita Levy at the National AAUP office on this issue.
    3. Discussion of the Mandatory Background Checks Policy (see Report).  Hilton reported that Chancellor Wilson had received an email from the Chair of the National AAUP Academic Freedom Committee indicating that he didn’t see “the background checks policy as posing any problems [regarding removal from censure]”.  At the meeting with Chancellor Wilson, Hilton pointed out the areas where he felt the final document on this issue approved by the Board of Trustees needed further fine-tuning.  For example, he felt that there should be more than two faculty members on the Hiring Risk Assessment Review Committee (HRARC).
    4. Planning for Spring Tenure Workshop (see Report).  The Provost and Vice Provost, and Jim Imlay have agreed to participate and set the date as April 14, 2016 at 2;30 p.m. in 314B Illini Union.  When the final panelist is set, Hilton will prepare the posters for the event.  We will again see if the Provost’s office can help publicize the event such as placing in the DDDH publication
    5. The ad-hoc Committees on Governance Issues (see Report).  Hilton again noted that the members of this committee are:  Esfahani (chair), Francis, Rabin, O’Brien (ex officio), Hopkins (ex officio), and Hilton (ex officio).  There was lengthy discussion of the issues the committee could consider and how it might propose ways to suggestion solutions where problems exist.
    6. Selection of Nominating Committee.  Hilton reported that the members of the Nominating Committee are Robert Parker, John Prussing, and H. F. Williamson.