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2/18/15 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present:  Harry Hilton, Lewis Hopkins, Walter McMahon, Cary Nelson, David O’Brien, Robert Parker, John Prussing, Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson, Hadi Esfahani (guest)

    The meeting began at about 12:04 p.m.

    President’s Report

    1. Review of the Minutes for January 21, 2015 Meeting of Policy Committee.  The minutes were approved with corrections of the numbering of the paragraphs. 
    2. Schedule of Spring 2015 Policy Committee meetings.   The remaining Policy Committee meetings as noted in the agenda will be March 18, April 15 (third Wednesdays) (spring vacation starts March 21); and May 6 (first Wednesday which is the last day of instruction.  We will meet in 211 Illini Union.  NOTE:  The Annual Meeting will be May 12 if held on the Tuesday of final exam week
    3. Remarks. 
      • Hilton met with Chancellor Wise at her request to discuss the topic of censure. 
      • After Hilton sent the two resolutions from the Policy Committee to the President and Chancellor, he had an immediate response from President Easter requesting a meeting with members of the Committee.  Hilton will set up a meeting.
      • Williamson noted that we would discuss the membership on the Policy Committee and the Chapter By-Laws as time permits.  He would send a current Policy Committee roster with the minutes.   

    Action Items

    1. Discussion of the Resolutions Adopted by UIUC AAUP Policy Committee.  There was a discussion of what the next steps should be on the issues addressed in the two resolutions.It was emphasized that the issues raised by the Hiring Policies and Procedures Review Committee be kept distinct from those related directly to the Salaita hiring. 
    2. Actions by the National Office.  Nelson led a lengthy discussion of the process being followed regarding the investigation of our campus by Committee A with regard to possible censure.  A subcommittee from Committee A will visit the campus by the end of the month.  A report will be prepared for the AAUP Annual meeting.  If censure is recommended, which seems likely, a vote will be taken at the meeting.  The more that the campus can address before the final report, the less “severe” the report is likely to be.  In that case, if censure is voted, it could be less critical.  Hilton indicated he would plan to draft a memorandum on the issues to be considered.
    3. Planning for the Spring Tenure Workshop.  Hilton was still waiting for the schedules of the participants.  (NOTE:  The Workshop has been scheduled for April 30 at 2:30 p.m. in the General Lounge at the Union.)
    4. Selection of Nominating Committee and Planning for Annual Meeting.  Hilton indicated that the Nominating Committee would be Lewis Hopkins, Robert Parker, John Prussing, and Bill Williamson.