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5/7/14 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present:  Ken Andersen, Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Walter McMahon, David O’Brien, Robert Parker, Art Robinson. Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson, Katherine Laing (guest).

    The meeting began at about 12:06 p.m.

    President’s Report

    1. Review of the Minutes for April 16, 2014 Meeting of Policy Committee.  The minutes were approved
      President’s Report
    2. Schedule of Fall Meetings.  Williamson reported that the replies to the questionnaire about preferences regarding meeting days of the week indicated that continuing on Wednesday was all right.  The meetings for the Policy Committee in the fall will be.
      • Wednesday, September 17 (3rd Wednesday) (Instruction begins Aug. 25 and Labor Day is Sept. 1.
      • Wednesday, October 15 (3rd Wednesday)
      • Wednesday, November 12 (2nd Wednesday) (Thanksgiving break week starts Saturday Nov. 22)
      • Wednesday, December 10 (2nd Wednesday) (Reading Day is December 11, the next day) 
    3. Remarks from President.  Hilton indicated that given this fall schedule, he would be able to contact Chancellor Wise’s office to determine her availability.  [NOTE:  Hilton has received a confirmation that Chancellor Wise will be able to join us at 11 a.m. on October 15.

    Action Items

    1. Planning for the Annual Meeting, Tuesday, May 13.  The agenda for the meeting was circulated showing that the social hour will begin in 211 Illini Union at 2:30 p.m.  The business meeting will begin in 209 Illini Union at 3 p.m. followed immediately by the panel discussion on academic boycotts of Israel.  Information will be available for those interested in joining the AAUP.
    2. Review of the Spring Tenure Workshop, Tuesday, April 22, in 210 Illini Union.  Hilton reported on how well it went including that there was a record attendance.  We expected this was in good part due to the Provost’s office having publicized it to Deans, Directors, and Department Heads.  Parker noted that we should not be “polite” about stressing the role of the AAUP in the workshop and the importance of joining.
    3. Attendance at National Meeting.  A form has been sent credentialing Cary Nelson as a chapter delegate from our Chapter.  A motion was made and approved to provide support for documented expenses of the Chapter delegates for the same amount as approved in 2013.  [NOTE:  This support was for up to $1000.]


    1. Reports.  Hilton briefly discussed the actions of some of the Chapter’s committees, the recent actions that the Senate had taken, and the status of the Chapter web site.