Present: Ken Andersen, Harry Hilton, Walter McMahon, David O’Brien, Robert Parker, Leslie Struble, H. F. Williamson
The meeting began at about 12:06 p.m.
President’s Report
- Review of the Minutes for March 19, 2014 Meeting of Policy Committee. The minutes were approved.
- Schedule of Spring Meetings. The schedule was provided in the agenda (see below). There was a question about the time for the Annual Meeting. (NOTE: The 2013 Annual Meeting started with a social hour at 3:30 and with the formal meeting starting at 4 p.m. There was the brief Business Meeting followed by the Panel Discussion on Shared Governance and Collective Bargaining.
- Policy Committee: The final spring meeting will be Wednesday, May 7: noon, 209 Illini Union
- Tenure Workshop: Tuesday, April 22, 2 – 4:30 p.m., 210 Illini Union
- Annual Meeting: Tuesday, May 13: 209-211 Illini Union
- Remarks from President. Hilton has continued talking with Chancellor Wise about joining us for a meeting. It seems most likely that this will occur in the fall. Parker suggested that we consider inviting others to attend such meetings when the agenda is appropriate. For example, some members of the Policy Committee could invite administrators in their departments to join us for the meeting with Chancellor Wise. It was agreed to try this plan
Action Items
- Invitations to Other Campus Administrators to meet with Policy Committee in Spring. Hilton will invite K. Laing, Executive Director of Governmental relations, to join us for our May meeting.
- Planning for the Spring Tenure Workshop, Tuesday, April 22, in 210 Illini Union. The planning is completed. Hilton reminded us to continue talking with appropriate colleagues about the value of attending the Workshop.
- Planning for the Annual Meeting, Tuesday, May 13. The final planning for the meeting was discussed along with editing the program. The times for the business meeting (3:00-3:15 p.m.) and the panel discussion (3:15-4:30 p.m.) segments will be listed. There was also discussion of how the meeting might be publicized to individuals other than our members and whether the room was large enough. [NOTE: After the meeting, we were able to get the room next door for the refreshments improving the capacity of 209 for the meeting.] Hilton noted that as moderator he will be able to assure the meeting runs effectively.
- Government Relations. McMahon noted that the IGPA toolbox for analyzing the state budget is now available on their website.
- Shared Governance: Hilton reported that the Senate Executive Committee might follow up on the results of the responses to last year’s questionnaire on governance. There was discussion of how the Chapter might be involved in this issue. Hopkins and others on the Committee will be asked to work on this issue.
- National Meeting: It seems likely that Cary Nelson will be the only member of our Chapter who will be attending the National Meeting.