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2/11/13 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present: Abbas Aminmansour, Connie Caveny, Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Lew Hopkins, David O’Brien, John Prussing, Art Robinson, Robert Spitze, Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson.

    The meeting began at about 12:30 p.m. following the meeting with Vice Chancellor Schiffer.

    President’s Report

    1. Review of the Minutes for January 14, 2013 Meeting of Policy Committee.  The minutes for this meeting were approved.
    2. Remarks from President:  Struble noted that she felt that the meeting with Vice Chancellor Schiffer had gone well.  She felt that a number of the topics that were discussed should be reviewed regularly.  An example was the relationship between the Vice President for Research and the Vice Chancellor for Research which appears to be working well between the current holders of those positions. Caveny suggested  that we might revisit the Rules and the Statutes to clarify the roles of these two offices.

    Action Items

    1. Schedule of Spring Meetings
      • Tuesday, March 12:  11 a.m., 215 Union:  Barrett, Benjamin; noon:  211:  Policy Committee Meeting
      • Tuesday, April 9:  11 a.m., TBA:  Stukel, Veazie;  noon, TBA: Policy Committee Meeting
      • Monday, April 29:  11 a.m., TBA;  noon, TBA: Policy Committee Meeting
    2. Planning for Remaining Meetings during Spring Semester.  Struble noted that as indicated in the Schedule in the previous item, we are still working on sites for the meetings in April.  It may actually not be necessary to schedule the April 29 11 a.m. meeting with outside speakers.  Instead, one possibility would to have a longer “regular” meeting at which we would discuss the results of the January, February, and April  meetings. 
    3. Planning for the Spring Tenure Workshop:  Hilton reported that everything is set for the workshop at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 12, 2012 in 314 B Illini Union.  He thanked the members of the Committee who had done such a good job in publicizing the Workshop in their Colleges.
    4. Selection of Nominating Committee.  Struble announced that she had selected Lew Hopkins, John Prussing, and Bill Williamson to be on the Nominating Committee.  Though she is willing to continue on the Policy Committee next year after retiring, she will not be able to serve as an officer since she will not be on the campus in the fall.  Suggestions for nominees especially for President should be sent to any of the members of the committee.
    5. National AAUP.  Williamson noted the difficulty he has had in determining who pays their Chapter dues through the National Office.  The only certainties are that members on Payroll Deduction do pay through the national and lifetime members do not.  It appears that most members who pay their national dues annually through the National Office do not pay their Chapter dues.
    6. Shared Governance Committee:  Hopkins reminded the members to send him any department, school or college bylaws to which they have access.
    7. Electronic Communications Policy.  Aminmansour asked Struble to circulate to the Policy Committee for comment a copy of the “Electronic Communications Policy” drafted by the Campus IT Security and Privacy Committee.