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12/11/13 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present: Ken Andersen, Harry Hilton, Lewis Hopkins, Walter McMahon, Cary Nelson, David O’Brien, Robert Parker, John Prussing, Art Robinson, Sarah Shreeves (guest), Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson

    President’s Report

    1. Review of the Minutes for November 13, 2013 Meeting of Policy Committee. The minutes for the meeting were approved.
    2. Review of spring schedule of meetings:  Williamson reported briefly on the responses from the Policy Committee members concerning meeting days in the spring.  It was decided to stay with the schedule proposed previously.  The meetings for the spring semester will be in 215 Illini Union on the following Wednesdays:  January 22; February 19; March 19; April 16; and May 7.

    Action Items

    1. Discussion of Meeting with Professor Shreeves on December 11.  Hilton thanked Shreeves for her presentation. 
    2. Invitations to Other Campus Administrators to meet with Policy Committee in Spring.  Hilton will begin the invitations now that the dates have been set for the spring Policy Committee meetings.
    3. Membership Drive.  There were a number of suggestions as to how new members might be sought.  Nelson reviewed the past drives on campus that had been successful.  One possible strategy would be to contact individuals who might be interested and present the national membership brochure and the report on last year’s Chapter activities prepared by Struble.  Williamson will send out the email sent earlier regarding this strategy.
    4. Tenure Workshop.  Hilton will determine a potential date once he has the availability for the Provost and Associate Provost.
    5. Discussion of Actions regarding the Wozniak Decision.  There was a lengthy discussion of the case and the draft letter Hilton had prepared to send the Board of Trustees and the President.  Hilton will prepare a new draft for review based on this discussion.
    6. Discussion of Effects of Recently Passed Pension Legislation.  The discussion centered on the fact that while retirees will bear the brunt of the negative effects of the changes in the legislation, they will not benefit from the one advantage of this law (reduction of 1% in contributions to pension systems).  It was felt that the only actions available to the University to help retirees were relatively minor (e.g., relax return to work rules; better pay for teaching or other services by retirees) and unlikely to be proposed.