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3/12/12 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present:  Ken Andersen, Connie Caveny,Harry Hilton, Lewis Hopkins, John Prussing, Robert Spitze, Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson.

    The meeting began at about 11:40 a.m. with John Prussing presiding. 

    President’s Report

    1. Review of the Minutes for February 13, 2012.  The minutes for the February 13, 2012 meeting were approved.
    2. Schedule of Remaining Meetings for Spring 2012 Semester.
      • Policy Committee.  The current dates and starting times for the remaining two meetings are Monday, April 9, and Monday, April 30 at 11:30 a.m.  We are unable to consider Tuesday, April 10, as an alternative since no rooms are available in the Illini Union that day.  Thus, our next meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. on April 9, in 211 Illini Union.  For the final meeting, we do have a choice between Monday, April 30 at 11:30 a.m. and Tuesday, May 1 at noon.  It will be April 30 unless a different date is announced later.
      • Annual Meeting.  The annual meeting will be the afternoon of Tuesday, May 8 (see item 5 below).
    3. Remarks from President.  Prussing noted that he thought the meeting in February with Michael Andrechak had gone well.  There are no plans to meeting with other campus administrators this spring.

    Action Items

    1. Final Plans for Tenure Workshop, March 13, 2012, Illini Union General Lounge.  Hilton and Williamson reported that the planning is complete.  It will be from 2:30 – 4 pm.  The participants will again be Richard Wheeler, Barbara Wilson, James Imlay (P&T Committee past Chair), and Billie Jean Theide (chair, FAC). 
    2. Plans for Annual Meeting, May 8, 2012.
      • Arrangements:  Hilton agreed to work on determining a location and arranging refreshments.  He will request a room similar to that used last year (209 Illini Union).
      • Program:  See next item.
    3. Annual Meeting Program:  Governance Workshop.  There was discussion of the plan suggested at our February 13, 2012 meeting of holding a governance workshop in conjunction with the Annual Meeting.  Given the difficulties of having two meetings aimed at two somewhat different audiences, it was agreed to consider having a presentation on governance issues as the program at the Annual Meeting as a first step toward holding a broader Governance Workshop next fall.  There was a wide –ranging discussion not only of how this might be accomplished but also of the issues themselves.  Struble agreed to chair a subcommittee to identify the key issues or questions around which a program could be put together.
    4. Report from the Nominating Committee.  Williamson reported that Struble would be the nominee for Chapter President for 2012-13.  He asked the Committee for suggestions for Vice President.
    5. Discussion of Actions by the Senate and the Senate Executive Committee.  Andersen reminded the Committee of the meeting of President Hogan with the Senate on March 30.  Hopkins suggested that after that meeting, we decide whether or not we feel we should send the message proposed by Art Robinson:  “We request that the Senate Executive Committee set a date when the Senate will be able to determine whether or not it has confidence that President Hogan can provide effective leadership for The University of Illinois.”


    1. Report on Chapter Web Site.  Caveny reported that she has started using Dreamworks to make changes in the web site.  Once she has become comfortable with that process, she will determine how to establish a counter for the site.
    2. National Office:  It was agreed that we should be sure the members of the Chapter are aware of the differences if any between positions of the National Office and those of the Chapter leadership.