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9/9/09 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present: Abbas Aminmansour, Geneva Belford, Linn Belford, Connie Caveny, Bettina Francis, Lewis Hopkins, Walter McMahon, John Prussing, Robert Spitze, Leslie Struble, H. F. Williamson

    The meeting began at about 12:10 p.m. with John Prussing presiding. 

    1. Review of the Minutes for August 19, 2009 Meeting of Policy Committee and August 27, 2009 Meeting of the Officers.  These were approved.  
    2. Composition of Policy Committee for 2009-2010.  Prussing described his actions so far with regard to possible new members for the Policy Committee.  Prussing noted the importance of having a member of the Senates Conference on the Policy Committee.  A motion to approve the current members of the Policy Committee was approved.

    Action Items

    1. Composition of Continuing Chapter Committees for 2009-2010.  We continued the discussion of the makeup of the Chapter Committees.  Spitze asked to be added to AFT; Francis to Government Relations; and Struble to Membership. 
    2. Planned AAUP Activities for 2009-2010.  Prussing briefly discussed two activities in particular
      • Membership drive
      • Spring tenure workshop (this will be discussed more at the next meeting when Hilton is present).
    3. Invitations to Campus Administrators to meet with Policy Committee.
      • Interim Provost Easter.  He has accepted our invitation to join us at 11 a.m. on November 9.  The meeting is scheduled for 209 Illini Union.  After that is over, we will move to 211 for our monthly Policy Committee meeting and lunch.
      • Vice President Rao.  Prussing is continuing his discussions with her.  Two items she currently is addressing are the furlough policy and the establishment of procedures for time reports. (NOTE:  Also see item (7) below).
    4. Discussion of Senate Resolution on Admissions Review Commission (ARC) Report (SC.10.01B).Prussing and Aminmansour provided background on the meetings between Senate leaders and leaders of the Board of Trustees (BOT) which led to this revision. They were pleased at what appeared to be a better communication between these two groups.  It will be important to maintain such contacts with the BOT particularly if or when new campus leaders are being selected.  [NOTE:  The Senate voted to replace SC.10.01B with the earlier resolution SC.10.01A which was approved.]


    1. Report on Contacts with VCAA regarding Furlough Policy. Prussing reported that he hopes to discus this issue with Kristine Campbell, the new Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs as well as with Vice President Rao. The Vice President has had a committee in place for over a year to recommend a permanent policy to replace the interim policy now in effect.  Hopkins noted that the Chapter should issue a statement on the AAUP policy on furloughs and similar cutbacks.  It was suggested that Andersen be asked to start this process based on previous work done for the AAUP.  This would include information provided by Finkin in his earlier communications.
    2. IBHE/FAC.  There are concerns about the effect of the 50% cuts in the funding of the MAP need-based grant program.  Funds for the second semester support for these students have not yet been provided.
    3. Report on Chapter Web Site.  Caveny reported that she is continuing to try to contact Joe Grohens about keeping the site up to date.
    4. Senate Actions:  Aminmansour noted that the Senate Educational Policy Committee is considering a proposal to put the ICES process entirely on line (e.g., no forms would be passed out in class).