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3/10/08 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present:  Abbas Aminmansour, Ken Andersen, Geneva Belford, Linn Belford, Connie Caveny, Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Walter McMahon, John Prussing, Arthur Robinson, Robert Spitze, Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson

    The meeting began at about 12:15 p.m. with Donald Uchtmann presiding.

    President’s Report

    1. Review of the Minutes and the Summary Report for Meeting February 11, 2008.  These documents were approved.
    2. President’s Report.  Uchtmann noted that the national AAUP elections are now underway.  He also read an announcement he had received for the 22nd Annual Beckman Lecture.

    Action Items

    1. Final Planning for Promotion and Tenure Workshop on Tuesday, March 11, 2:30 p.m., 314B Illini Union.  Hilton reported the problems he had with the individual handling the campus email system.  The announcement did finally get out but three days later than he had requested.  The plan is for a brief greeting from Uchtmann and then an introduction by Hilton as moderator of each panelist for his or her opening remarks.  The rest of the workshop will be a question-and-answer session.  Participants will be asked to sign in as they arrive.  They will be given an AAUP membership brochure and information about the reduced dues rates which are in effect during March.  Given the popularity of this event, it was suggested that we consider holding it annually.  Struble suggested that we change the day of the week since one of her colleagues has a teaching conflict on Tuesday, the day of the last two workshops.
    2. Selection of Date for Annual Meeting.  Williamson reported that he has reserved a room in the Illini Union from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6 as a possible alternative to holding the meeting on Reading Day which is May 1 this year.  It was moved and approved unanimously that we hold the meeting on that day with a social hour from 3:30-4 p.m. and the meeting from 4-5 p.m.  It was hoped that Nelson would be one speaker so that he could report on the situation with regard to the national office/organization.  [NOTE:  The room we have reserved is 405 Illini Union which holds 40 persons.]
    3. Report of the Nominating Committee.  Williamson reported that the nominees are Donald Uchtmann, President; John Prussing, Vice President; Connie Caveny, Secretary; and H. F. Williamson, Treasurer.  This slate was accepted by the Policy Committee for presentation at the Annual Meeting.
    4. Preparation of Chapter’s Standing Rules.  A copy of Andersen’s new draft was part of the packet for the meeting.  Andersen noted that he felt it was important to include rules for handling email balloting.  It is planned that the final draft of the Rules will be completed in time for a report at the Annual Meeting.  With regard to approval, it was noted that the By-Laws indicate that “The policy Committee will establish the Chapter’s standing rules.”  (Section VI, A)  It was suggested that this be included as part of the Rules.
    5. Illinois AAUP Annual Meeting.  Andersen noted that the annual meting is March 29, 2008 at Saint Xavier University.  He is scheduled to be part of panel discussion on Faculty Governance.  It was moved and approved that he be designated a delegate from this Chapter.
    6. National Election.  The ballots for the national election have been sent.  Williamson described an email that Jane Buck had sent urging that we be active in supporting the best candidates.  It was generally agreed that the Policy Committee should not, as a committee, support any particular candidates.  Individual members could contact fellow members to encourage their support for those whom we feel are the best candidates.  Williamson will send the membership list to all Policy Committee members to expedite this effort.


    1. Academy on Capitalism and Limited Government Fund.  Abbas reported that he has heard informally that progress has been made on preparing a new Memorandum of Agreement.
    2. Senate Actions.  Chancellor Herman reported at a recent Senate meeting that he has begun the process for conducting program reviews of units on campus.  The first steps are to establish the criteria and procedures that will be used.  It was noted that some units have been “volunteered” as the first to be considered for this review.
    3. Government Relations Committee.  Andersen noted that representatives concerned with education in the House have asked the Universities to indicate what their needs are.  He is concerned about how effectively the UIUC will be in this situation.  He also noted that there has been some interest in bills to change the tax structure (e.g., increased income tax with accompanying reductions in property taxes, taxing services).