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1/22/07 Policy Committee Minutes

    Present:  Abbas Aminmnasour, Geneva Belford, Lynn Belford, Clyde Forrest, Bettina Francis, Michael Grossman, Harry Hilton, Walter McMahon, Cary Nelson, John Prussing, Arthur Robinson, Robert Spitze, Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson

    1. Review of the minutes for December 11, 2006;  the President’s Report for Fall, 2007; and the Summary Reports for Fall Policy Committee Meetings. These documents were approved. The President’s Report will be circulated to those chapter members on our email list.  The summary reports will be posted on the Chapter’s web site.
    2. Preparation for Meeting with Provost Katehi.  Uchtmann discussed our meeting with the Provost in conjunction with the February 12, 2007 meeting of the Policy Committee. This meeting will start at 11 a.m. The Provost will be asked to join us for lunch if her schedule permits. Possible topics for our discussion included (a) the role of faculty governance  particularly in light of the Global Campus Initiative/Partnership negotiations and (b) promotion and tenure procedures at the UIUC.
    3. Global Campus Initiative/Partnership (GCI/GCP). The discussion continued with emphasis on the changes in the program and its title which occurred at the January 8, 2007 retreat on this program. The topics covered included: 
      • A report by Ucthmann and Francis on the meeting that they and Burton had with President White on December 15.
      • A report by Aminmansour on the January 8 all-day summit meeting at which about thirty faculty and students met with President White and Chet Gardner.
      • A description of the content of the new proposal presented by White and Gardner which included dropping the LLC structure; assurance of quality control through faculty involvement in course development, department control over courses and the faculty preparing them, and the use of the normal approval process for new courses; the role of the departments in who teaches the courses; and the procedures for sharing revenues and funding course development.
      • Discussion of the importance of having processes in place to be sure that the program as implemented will follow the guidelines established at this time. It was urged that the guidelines be established in writing with procedures for monitoring the program.
      • Discussion of the reaction of the Board of Trustees to the report on the GCP at their January meeting.
      • The next steps in this process including the plans of the University Senates Conference to discuss the GCP at its January 26 meeting. A major next step will be determining the role of and membership on the GCP Academic Council and its relation to the Senates. Ucthmann asked that Aminmansour, Grossman, and Burton continue to be an informal subcommittee monitoring these developments and determining what role the AAUP should play. He noted that the improvements that have been made are a tribute to the leaders of the Senate who have played such an important role in these negotiations
    4. Revision of Chapter By-Laws. There was a discussion of the latest revision of the revised by-laws which covered the role of Associate Members and the selection of the Policy Committee members. It was agreed that procedures for handling communications would be covered in a set of guidelines which might be cited in the by-laws.
    5. Chapter Web Site:  Nelson reported that the design of the site is almost complete.  He noted that we will be the first “advocacy” chapter to have its own web site and hopes that others follow our example.  Items he is planning to add to the site include information on lobbying; cases in the news where the AAUP played a role in defending faculty rights at the UIUC; and our role in such issues as faculty rehiring and the development of the GCI.  It was suggested that he include a history of the chapter with particular emphasis on our role in establishment of the current governance structure on the campus. Uchtmann thanked Nelson for the outstanding job he has done.
    6. Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee Reports.  Robinson reported briefly on the two cases he is handling.  He has talked with a member of the Provost’s staff about our concerns.
    7. National Office.  Nelson reported that there has been significant progress in improving the membership and financial services at the national office. Erne Benjamin has been hired on a “part-time” basis to run the national office and is doing an excellent job.