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Summary Report for UIUC AAUP Policy Committee Meeting on November 7, 2011

Present:  Abbas Aminmansour, Kenneth Andersen, Bettina Francis, Harry Hilton, Lewis Hopkins, Walter McMahon, John Prussing, Arthur Robinson, Robert Spitze, Leslie Struble, Donald Uchtmann, H. F. Williamson.

The meeting began at about 12:10 p.m. with John Prussing presiding. 

President's Report

(1)  Review of the Minutes for October 10, 2011 Meeting of Policy Committee.  The minutes for the October meeting of the Policy Committee were approved.

(2)  Review of fall schedule of meetings.  (a)  Policy Committee:  December 5:  11 a.m., 215 IUB with Chancellor Wise; noon, 211 IUB regular meeting; (b) Presentation by Howard Bunsis:  December 1:  4 p.m., University YMCA.  It was suggested that Mike Andrechak be informed of the meeting; (c) Information Meeting with CFA Leaders:  December 8, 4 p.m., 209 Illini Union.  All members will be invited.  We would indicate that the Chapter has not taken a position on collective bargaining but wants to be informed on what is occurring.

(3)  Schedule of Policy Committee and Annual Meetings for Spring, 2012 Semester.  The Policy Committee meetings will be Tuesday, January 17; Monday, February 13; Monday, March 12 (Union closed due to construction so alternative site needs to be chosen); Monday, April 9; and Monday, April 30.  The Annual Meeting would be Tuesday, May 8, if we follow procedure of past few years.  It was suggested that we check if we could get a room in the Union on another date in March (e.g., March 5) since arranging a room elsewhere is so difficult.

Action Items

(4)  Academic Freedom and Tenure Cases.  Two cases were discussed.  The importance of letting these individuals know of our availability to provide assistance was stressed.  Possible ways of doing this (e.g., an article in Inside Illinois) were discussed.

(5)  Status of ACLGF.  The memo of understanding is now available.  Prussing will circulate it to the committee.  A number of questions are apparently left unanswered.  It was not clear, for example, how the members of the governing board from the University are selected. 

(6)  Preparation for Meeting with Chancellor Wise.  Given our concerns about the Academy, we felt this would be another issue to include in the list of suggested topics for the meeting. 
(7)  Discussion of Policy on Discontinuance of Academic Programs.  As a response to our position paper on this issue, a memo from Michael Berube about the work on this issue at the national level was part of the packet.  The importance of faculty having a role in making such decisions was stressed.  It was noted that it is easy to forget that most administrators start as faculty (e.g., as department heads).  It is therefore important to be sure governance works at the department level. 
(8)  Invitations to Other Campus Administrators to meet with Policy Committee.  We will continue considering the individuals already suggested early in the spring semester.  Andersen suggested we invite Katherine Laing again now that she has had time to gain a better understanding of the campus.

(9)  Governance Workshop.  It was not clear whether it would be possible to schedule this for the spring semester.  We discussed the possibility of coordinating with the Senate or the University YMCA.

(10)  Planning for Tenure Workshop.  Hilton is waiting for responses by the relevant administrators so that he can set a date and request a room.





Developments Relating to Censure, 2006

Developments Relating to Censure, 2005